2009-02-08: Knowledge Closure has a URI now. Yeah!!
2009-02-05: Knowledge Closure now does RDFa. (Go to the gate way). I should work on making the UI friendlier before implementing the real thing.
2009-02-04: Knowledge Clousure now scales up to Tim's URI. I should start to deal with more formats such as RDFa. As document ↔ thing links are an origin of the failure of 'Two Way Linkablity Tests'.
2009-02-03: Knowledge Clousure is now set up at DIG's space. The gateway was designed with little effort. I am now working on timeout and threading issues. It has to scale up to at least Tim's URI.
2009-01-19: Updated information for DIG and Tabulator. Initialized my new project which features Linked Data validation. I named it Knowledge Closure. It reflects my views on the Semantic Web.
2009-01-14: Just thought of the idea of using my URI as my OpenID. Surprisingly, it worked (but not for all the services). This unifies URI(WebID), URL(hompage), and OpenID into a single identification URI string, which is your WebID, and truly realizes "One Key, Many Doors" (...)
2009-01-13: Just figured out it should be nice to use this ChangeLog to keep track of my work since it is quite decentralized. A bit like twitter I guess. Add 2 paragragh to "dereferenceable URI"
. This is the essentials of the Semantic Web revolution and it deserves introductory explanation.
2009-01-12: Add 4 lines to the dereferenceable URI wiki entry
to give some examples and links to common vocabulary. The principle is this: everything should have it's URI even if it might not have a homepage.
2008-12-30: Finish up writing up the "Stop Using Page URIs in HTML links" practice. I still wonder whether this is more natural or linking to homepages of things and annotated with RDFa is more natural.