Group Norm for Learning Latent Structural SVMs

   AUTHOR    = "Daozheng Chen and Dhruv Batra and William T. Freeman and Micah K. Johnson",
   TITLE     = "Group Norm for Learning Latent Structural SVMs"",
   YEAR      = "2011",
   BOOKTITLE = "{NIPS} Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning",

Video Face Replacement

   AUTHOR    = "Kevin Dale and Kalyan Sunkavalli and Micah K. Johnson and Daniel Vlasic and Wojciech Matusik and Hanspeter Pfister",
   TITLE     = "Video Face Replacement"",
   YEAR      = "2011",
   BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 2011 {SIGGRAPH} Asia Conference",
   VOLUME    = 30,
   NUMBER    = 6,
   PAGES     = "130:1--130:10",

deForm: An Interactive Malleable Surface for Capturing 2.5D Arbitrary Objects, Tools, and Touch

   AUTHOR = "Sean Follmer and Micah K. Johnson and Edward H. Adelson and Hiroshi Ishii",
    TITLE = "deForm: An Interactive Malleable Surface for Capturing 2.5D Arbitrary Objects, Tools, and Touch"",
     YEAR = "2011",
BOOKTITLE = "ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology ({UIST})",
    PAGES = "527--536",

Microgeometry Capture using an Elastomeric Sensor

   AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and Forrester Cole and Alvin Raj and Edward H.  Adelson",
    TITLE = "Microgeometry Capture using an Elastomeric Sensor",
     YEAR = "2011",
  JOURNAL = "{ACM} Transactions on Graphics (Proc.~{ACM} {SIGGRAPH})",
   VOLUME = "30",
   NUMBER = "4",
    PAGES = "46:1--46:8",
      DOI = ""

Shape Estimation in Natural Illumination

   AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and Edward H. Adelson",
    TITLE = "Shape Estimation in Natural Illumination",
     YEAR = "2011",
BOOKTITLE = "Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ({CVPR})",
    PAGES = "2553--2560",

Digital Image Authentication from JPEG Headers

   AUTHOR = "Eric Kee and Micah K. Johnson and Hany Farid",
    TITLE = "Digital Image Authentication from {JPEG} Headers",
  JOURNAL = "{IEEE} Transactions on Information Forensics and Security",
   VOLUME = "6",
   NUMBER = "3",
    PAGES = "1066--1075",
     YEAR = "2011",
      DOI = ""

Display-aware Image Editing

   AUTHOR = "Won-Ki Jeong and Micah K. Johnson and Insu Yu and Jan Kautz and Hanspeter Pfister and Sylvain Paris",
    TITLE = "Display-aware Image Editing",
     YEAR = "2011",
BOOKTITLE = "International Conference on Computational Photography",


   AUTHOR  = "Micah K. Johnson and Kevin Dale and Shai Avidan and Hanspeter Pfister and William T. Freeman and Wojciech Matusik",
   TITLE   = "CG2Real: Improving the Realism of Computer Generated Images using a Large Collection of Photographs",
   JOURNAL = "{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics",
   VOLUME  = 17,
   NUMBER  = 9,
   YEAR    = "2011",
   PAGES   = "1273--1285"

Error-tolerant Image Compositing

   AUTHOR = "Michael W. Tao and Micah K. Johnson and Sylvain Paris",
    TITLE = "Error-tolerant Image Compositing",
     YEAR = "2010",
BOOKTITLE = "European Conference on Computer Vision"

Multi-scale Image Harmonization

   AUTHOR = "Kalyan Sunkavalli and Micah K. Johnson and Wojciech Matusik and Hanspeter Pfister",
    TITLE = "Multi-scale Image Harmonization",
     YEAR = "2010",
  JOURNAL = "{ACM} Transactions on Graphics (Proc.~{ACM} {SIGGRAPH})"
   VOLUME = "29",
   NUMBER = "4",
    PAGES = "125:1--125:10",
	  DOI = ""

Ground-truth dataset and baseline evaluations for intrinsic image algorithms

   AUTHOR = "Roger Grosse and Micah K. Johnson and Edward H. Adelson and William T. Freeman",
    TITLE = "Ground-truth dataset and baseline evaluations for intrinsic image algorithms",
    PAGES = "2335--2342",
     YEAR = "2009",
BOOKTITLE = "International Conference on Computer Vision",
      DOI = ""

Image restoration using online photo collections

   AUTHOR = "Kevin Dale and Micah K. Johnson and Kalyan Sunkavalli and Wojciech Matusik and Hanspeter Pfister",
    TITLE = "Image restoration using online photo collections",
    PAGES = "2217--2224",
     YEAR = "2009",
BOOKTITLE = "International Conference on Computer Vision",
      DOI = ""

A mathematical model for optimal tuning systems

   AUTHOR = "Larry Polansky and Daniel Rockmore and Micah K. Johnson and Douglas Repetto and Wei Pan",
    TITLE = "A mathematical model for optimal tuning systems",
  JOURNAL = "Perspectives of New Music",
   VOLUME = "47",
   NUMBER = "1",
    PAGES = "69--110",
     YEAR = "2009",

Retrographic sensing for the measurement of surface texture and shape

   AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and Edward H. Adelson",
    TITLE = "Retrographic sensing for the measurement of surface texture and shape",
     YEAR = "2009",
BOOKTITLE = "Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ({CVPR})",
    PAGES = "1070--1077",
      DOI = ""

Lighting analysis of diffusely illuminated tableaus in realist paintings

   AUTHOR = "David G. Stork and Micah K. Johnson",
    TITLE = "Lighting analysis of diffusely illuminated tableaus in realist paintings:  An application to detecting \lq compositing\rq\ in the portraits of {G}arth {H}errick",
BOOKTITLE = "{SPIE} Electronic Imaging:  Media forensics and security",
   EDITOR = "Edward J. {Delp III} and Jana Dittmann and Nasir D. Memon and Ping Wah Wong",
   VOLUME = "7254",
    PAGES = "72540L1--8",
  ADDRESS = "Bellingham, WA",
     YEAR = "2009",
      DOI = ""

OWT: A Real-Time Optimal Tuning Application

   AUTHOR = "Wei Pan and Micah K. Johnson and Larry Polansky and Daniel Rockmore and Douglas Repetto",
    TITLE = "{OWT}: A Real-Time Optimal Tuning Application",
BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference",
 LOCATION = "Belfast, Ireland",
     YEAR = "2008"

Inferring Illumination Direction Estimated from Disparate Sources in Paintings

   AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and David G. Stork and Soma Biswas and Yasuo Furuichi",
    TITLE = "Inferring illumination direction estimated from disparate sources in paintings: an investigation into Jan Vermeer's Girl with a pearl earring",
     YEAR = "2008",
BOOKTITLE = "Computer Image Analysis in the Study of Art",
   EDITOR = "David G. Stork and Jim Coddington",
   VOLUME = "6810",
   NUMBER = "1",
      EID = "68100I",
 NUMPAGES = "12",
    PAGES = "68100I",
 LOCATION = "San Jose, CA, USA",
      DOI = ""

Detecting Photographic Composites of People

   AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and Hany Farid",
    TITLE = "Detecting Photographic Composites of People",
BOOKTITLE = "Digital Watermarking",
   SERIES = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
   EDITOR = "Yun Q. Shi and Hyoung-Joong Kim and Stefan Katzenbeisser",
 LOCATION = "Guangzhou, China",
    PAGES = "19--33",
     YEAR = "2008",
PUBLISHER = "Springer",
      DOI = ""

Exposing Digital Forgeries in Complex Lighting Environments

   AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and Hany Farid",
    TITLE = "Exposing Digital Forgeries in Complex Lighting Environments",
  JOURNAL = "{IEEE} Transactions on Information Forensics and Security",
   VOLUME = "2",
   NUMBER = "3",
    PAGES = "450--461",
     YEAR = "2007",
      DOI = ""

Exposing Digital Forgeries Through Specular Highlights on the Eye

   AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and Hany Farid",
    TITLE = "Exposing Digital Forgeries Through Specular Highlights on the Eye",
BOOKTITLE = "Information Hiding",
   SERIES = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
   VOLUME = "4567",
   EDITOR = "Teddy Furon and Fran\c{c}ois Cayre and Gwena{\"e}l J. Do{\"e}rr and Patrick Bas",
    PAGES = "311--325",
     YEAR = "2008",
      DOI = ""

Estimating the Location of Illuminants in Realist Master Paintings

   AUTHOR = "David G. Stork and M. Kimo Johnson",
    TITLE = "Estimating the location of illuminants in realist master paintings",
BOOKTITLE = "ICPR '06: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition",
 LOCATION = "Hong Kong",
    PAGES = "255--258",
     YEAR = "2006",
PUBLISHER = "{IEEE} Computer Society",
      DOI = ""

Exposing Digital Forgeries Through Chromatic Aberration

   AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and Hany Farid",
    TITLE = "Exposing Digital Forgeries Through Chromatic Aberration",
BOOKTITLE = "MM\&Sec '06: Proceedings of the 8th workshop on multimedia and security",
 LOCATION = "Geneva, Switzerland",
    PAGES = "48--55",
     YEAR = "2006",
      DOI = ""

Metric Measurements on a Plane from a Single Image

     AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and Hany Farid",
      TITLE = "Metric Measurements on a Plane from a Single Image",  
INSTITUTION = "Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College",
     NUMBER = "TR2006-579",
       YEAR = "2006"

Monitoring Real-Time Data Streams: A Sonification Approach

   AUTHOR = "Agnieszka Roginska and Edward Childs and Micah K. Johnson",
    TITLE = "Monitoring Real-Time Data: A Sonification Approach",
BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Auditory Display",
 LOCATION = "London, UK",
    PAGES = "176--181",
     YEAR = "2006"

Exposing Digital Forgeries by Detecting Inconsistencies in Lighting

   AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and Hany Farid",
    TITLE = "Exposing digital forgeries by detecting inconsistencies in lighting",
BOOKTITLE = "MM\&Sec '05: Proceedings of the 7th workshop on multimedia and security",
 LOCATION = "New York, NY, USA",
    PAGES = "1--10",
     YEAR = "2005",
      DOI = ""

Steganalysis of Recorded Speech

   AUTHOR = "Micah K. Johnson and Siwei Lyu and Hany Farid",
    TITLE = "Steganalysis of recorded speech",
     YEAR = "2005",
BOOKTITLE = "Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII",
   VOLUME = "5681",
   NUMBER = "1",
    PAGES = "664--672",
 LOCATION = "San Jose, CA, USA",
      DOI = ""