Andreas Kipf
Last updated: May 25, 2022
I am a postdoc researcher in the MIT Data Systems Group working with Prof. Tim Kraska. My interests are in improving systems with machine learning with a focus on index structures, storage layouts, and query optimization.
I earned my PhD at TUM, where I worked with Prof. Alfons Kemper and Prof. Thomas Neumann. During my PhD, I collaborated with the Data Infrastructure team at Google on secondary indexing.
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Selected Publications
LSI: A Learned Secondary Index Structure.
Andreas Kipf, Dominik Horn, Pascal Pfeil, Ryan Marcus, and Tim Kraska.
aiDM @ SIGMOD 2022. -
Adaptive Hybrid Indexes.
Christoph Anneser, Andreas Kipf, Huanchen Zhang, Thomas Neumann, and Alfons Kemper.
SIGMOD 2022. -
Bounding the Last Mile: Efficient Learned String Indexing.
Benjamin Spector, Andreas Kipf, Kapil Vaidya, Chi Wang, Umar Farooq Minhas, and Tim Kraska.
AIDB @ VLDB 2021. -
Towards Practical Learned Indexing. [code] [talk]
Mihail Stoian, Andreas Kipf, Ryan Marcus, and Tim Kraska.
AIDB @ VLDB 2021. -
Flow-Loss: Learning Cardinality Estimates That Matter. [blog] [code]
Parimarjan Negi, Ryan Marcus, Andreas Kipf, Hongzi Mao, Nesime Tatbul, Tim Kraska, and Mohammad Alizadeh.
VLDB 2021. -
Benchmarking Learned Indexes. [blog] [code] [leaderboard]
Ryan Marcus, Andreas Kipf, Alexander van Renen, Mihail Stoian, Sanchit Misra, Alfons Kemper, Thomas Neumann, and Tim Kraska.
VLDB 2021. -
LEA: A Learned Encoding Advisor for Column Stores. [blog] [talk]
Lujing Cen, Andreas Kipf, Ryan Marcus, and Tim Kraska.
aiDM @ SIGMOD 2021. -
GeoBlocks: A Query-Cache Accelerated Data Structure for Spatial Aggregation over Polygons.
Christian Winter, Andreas Kipf, Christoph Anneser, Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou, Thomas Neumann, and Alfons Kemper.
EDBT 2021. -
The Case for Distance-Bounded Spatial Approximations.
Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou, Andreas Kipf, Ibrahim Sabek, Varun Pandey, Harish Doraiswamy, and Volker Markl.
CIDR 2021. -
The Case for Learned Spatial Indexes.
Varun Pandey, Alexander van Renen, Andreas Kipf, Ibrahim Sabek, Jialin Ding, and Alfons Kemper.
AIDB @ VLDB 2020. -
Cuckoo Index: A Lightweight Secondary Index Structure. [talk] [code]
Andreas Kipf, Damian Chromejko, Alexander Hall, Peter Boncz, and David G. Andersen.
VLDB 2020. -
RadixSpline: A Single-Pass Learned Index. [talk] [code]
Andreas Kipf*, Ryan Marcus*, Alexander van Renen*, Mihail Stoian, Alfons Kemper, Tim Kraska, and Thomas Neumann.
aiDM @ SIGMOD 2020. -
The Case for Hybrid Succinct Data Structures.
Christoph Anneser, Andreas Kipf, Harald Lang, Thomas Neumann, and Alfons Kemper.
EDBT 2020. -
Adaptive Main-Memory Indexing for High-Performance Point-Polygon Joins. [code]
Andreas Kipf, Harald Lang, Varun Pandey, Raul Alexandru Persa, Christoph Anneser, Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou, Harish Doraiswamy, Peter Boncz, Thomas Neumann, and Alfons Kemper.
EDBT 2020. -
DeepSPACE: Approximate Geospatial Query Processing with Deep Learning.
Dimitri Vorona, Andreas Kipf, Thomas Neumann, and Alfons Kemper.
Estimating Filtered Group-By Queries is Hard: Deep Learning to the Rescue.
Andreas Kipf, Michael Freitag, Dimitri Vorona, Peter Boncz, Thomas Neumann, and Alfons Kemper.
AIDB @ VLDB 2019. -
Estimating Cardinalities with Deep Sketches.
Andreas Kipf, Dimitri Vorona, Jonas Müller, Thomas Kipf, Bernhard Radke, Viktor Leis, Peter Boncz, Thomas Neumann, and Alfons Kemper.
Demo @ SIGMOD 2019. -
Learned Cardinalities: Estimating Correlated Joins with Deep Learning. [code]
Andreas Kipf, Thomas Kipf, Bernhard Radke, Viktor Leis, Peter Boncz, and Alfons Kemper.
CIDR 2019. -
Scalable Analytics on Fast Data.
Andreas Kipf, Varun Pandey, Jan Böttcher, Lucas Braun, Thomas Neumann, and Alfons Kemper.
TODS 2019, Best of EDBT 2017.
Program Committee
- SIGMOD 2021, 2022, 2023
- SIGMOD Demo 2022
- SIGMOD Reproducibility 2021
- ICDE 2021
- aiDM 2021, 2022
- SMDB 2020, 2021, 2022
- AIDB 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022