6.001 Recitation #2 – Feb 7, 2003


RI: Konrad Tollmar,



The MIT Scheme programming environment

Basic Scheme


-         primitives / combinations

-         abstractions

-         lambda

-         special form cond / if


1. Evaluate these expressions

(+ 2 3)

(+ (* (/ 12 2) 1000) 1)

(+ 4)


(- 3)


(/ 5)


(/ 60 5 2 3)









(define a 1)

(define a+1 (+ a 1))



(define a 2)


(define four 4)


(+ four 1)

(+ (four) 1)


2. Lambda / Special forms


A. Evaluate these lambda procedures

(define six (lambda () 6))


(+ six 1)

(+ (six) 1)


B. Define the lambda procedures twice and second.

(define twice  (…))

(twice 2) ==> 4                 
(twice 3) ==> 6




(define second … )

(second 2 15 3) ==> 15
(second 34 -5 16) ==> -5



C. What is difference?

(define plus +)


(define add

  (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))


D. Define an abs function


(define abs …)





E. Procedure abstractions


Define two procedures average and square. Use these procedures to crate a procedure avaragesquares that (surprise;-) average squares, e.g.


(avaragesquares 4 2)

è        10







F. Procedure abstractions


Define a procedure that converts US Dollars to Swedish kronor.


(define RATE 0.105)


(convert “USD” 10)

è     95 SEK

(convert “SEK” 100)

è     10.5 SEK



(string=? "PIE" "PIE") =>  #t


Create some nicer output:


(convert "USD" 10)

USD->SEK: 95.23809523809524

;Value: 95.23809523809524



string-append string ...

number->string number

display “string”