6.001 Recitation #3 – Feb 12,
RI: Konrad Tollmar
Procedures and processes
Substitution model
Recursion veers iteration
Write procedure max that take two arguments and return the larger one.
(define x-y*y
(lambda (x y)
(- x ((lambda (x) (* x x)) y))))
Use the Substitution model to evaluate the following expression:
(x-y*y 11 3)
3. Iterative vers recursive
Define sum-iterative and sum-recursive that each take two arguments and calculate the accumulative sum between these arguments. E.g. (sum-iterative 2 4) ==> 9.
4. Iterative processes
Write a function count-up2 as count2, but as an iterative process.
(define (our-display x) (display x) x)
(define (count2 x)
(cond ((= x 0) 0)
(else (count2 (- x 1))
(our-display x))))