6.001 Recitation #9 – March
7, 2003
RI: Konrad Tollmar
• Some symbols
• Tagged data
1. Self-refences structures
What is the printed form? Write an expression that generate this list.
(define (make-complex-from-rect rl im)
‘rect rl im))
(define (make-complex-from-polar mg an)
‘polar mg an))
(define (tag obj) (car obj))
(define (contents obj) (cdr obj))
(define (real sz)
(cond ((eq?
(tag z) ‘rect) (car (contents z)))
(tag z) ‘polar) (* (car (contents z))
(cos (cadr (contents z))))) ;angle
(error “unknown form of object”))))
some more abstractions
(attach-tag type-tag contents) .. )
(define (type-tag datum) .. )
(contents datum) .. )
(rectangular? z) .. )
(polar? z) .. )
(real-part-rectangular z) .. )
(imag-part-rectangular z) .. )
(make-complex-from-rect rl im ) .. )
(make-complex-from-polar mg an) .. )
(define (real-part z) .. )
A common problem with international software is that different regions have different standard for specify and format daily things like dates etc. For example Swedish dates are formatted as: (year / months / day) compared to American dates (month / day / year). Lets use tagged data to identify Swedish and American date values. First define a procedure that attach a tag and two access procedures that return the tag and the contents.
(attach-tag type-tag contents) .. )
(define (type-tag datum) .. )
(contents datum) .. )
So we can creates datum like:
(define birthday (make-swedish-datum 1969 3 8))
(define today (make-american-datum 3 7 2003))
(define (make-swedish-datum y m d)
(make-from-swedish-datum y m d))
(define (make-from-swedish-datum y m d)
'swedish (list y m d)))
Next, lets build a procedure day (and month) that can read days and months independent of formats:
(day today) à 7
(month today) à 3
birthday) à 8
(month birthday) à 3
(define (install-rectangular-package)
;; internal
(real-part z) (car z))
(imag-part z) (cdr z))
interface to the rest of the system
(tag x) (attach-tag 'rectangular x))
'real-part '(rectangular) real-part)
'imag-part '(rectangular) imag-part)
;; Generic apply
(define (apply-generic op . args)
(let ((type-tags (map type-tag args)))
(let ((proc (get op
(apply proc (map contents args))
"No method for these types -- APPLY-GENERIC"
(list op type-tags))))))
;; Generic selectors
(define (real-part z) (apply-generic 'real-part z))
(define (imag-part z) (apply-generic 'imag-part z))