6.001 Recitation #10 – March
12, 2003
RI: Konrad Tollmar
• Data mutation
1. Evaluate these
(define x 10)
(set! x 6)
(+ x 3)
(set! x (+ x 3))
(define y (cons 1
(cons 2 nil)))
(define z '(a b))
(cons y z)
10. (append
y z)
(set-car! y 6)
12. y
(set-cdr! y nil)
14. y
(set-cdr! y z)
16. y
(set-car! z 12)
18. y
2. Append!
Rewrite append to append! That do not make a copy of the first list and cons'd it onto the second. Use instead side effects to append two lists without creating a copy of one of them.
3. Remember values
Write a function called seen? that takes one argument and returns #t only if that function has been called before with that argument. Assume you have the function element? that takes an object and a list, and returns #t if the object is in the list.
4. Write make-ring
Rings are circular list structures. If we define a ring r with
(define r (make-ring (list 1 2 3 4)))
(nth 0 r) ==> 1
(nth 1 r) ==> 2
(nth 4 r) ==> 1
Write procedure make-ring.
Write the procedures rotate-right and rotate-left takes
rotate the ring one the right and one to the left. (hint: start with the
somewhat easier rotate-left).
5. Traditional LISP structure: association list
Represent the table as the alist:
((x 15) (y 20))
We should be able to find elements in the alist:
(define a1 '((x 15) (y 20)))
(find-assoc 'y a1) ==> 20
(define (find-assoc key alist) .. )
We should be able to insert a new element in the alist:
(define a2 (add-assoc 'z 10 a1))
a2 ==> ((z 10) (x 15) (y 20))
(find-assoc 'z a2) ==> 10
(define (add-assoc key val alist) .. )
But - Alists are not an abstract data type
. It missing a constructor, ie it use quote or list to directly construct. So there is no abstraction barrier. Therefore, the implementation is exposed.
(define a1 ‘((x 15) (y 20)))
Lets instead use an alternative Table: a set of bindings, a
pairing of a key and a value
Abstract interface to a table:
Make create a new table
put! key value insert a new binding, replaces any previous binding of that key
get key look up the key, return the corresponding value
This definition IS the table abstract data type
(define table1-tag .. )
(define (make-table1) .. )
(define (table1-get tbl key) .. )
(define (table1-put! tbl key val) .. )