6.001 Recitation # 15 – April 4, 2003


RI: Konrad Tollmar


• The Scheme Interpreter

• Eval review







1. Parse tree – scheme’s reader
Construct the parse tree for:
(eval '(define* z* (plus* 1 3)) GE)


(eval '(define* mpy* (lambda* (x* y*) (times* x* y*))) GE)


(eval '(mpy* 3 z*) GE)









2. Refine define*







Modify our language so define* also return the defined value.



3. Add a new operator


Extend our language with the and* operator.

(and* <exp1> <exp2> .. <expn>)

4. Change the language syntax

Add a new combination form.



(+ 1 2)           (call + 1 2)

(call square 3)



Of course we also would like to change the wired prefix notation to good-old postfix style. Modify the interpreter so we can write postfix assignments instead.

(define myVar 10)

(myVar := 10)



Or maybe we would like to add a new procedure definition form.

(lambda (x) x)


(procedure (params: x) (body: x))




(lambda (x y) (+ x y) (* x y))


(procedure (params: x y)

           (body: (+ x y) (* x y)))




Arithmetic calculator


(define (tag-check e sym) (and (pair? e) (eq? (car e) sym)))

(define (sum? e) (tag-check e 'plus*))


(define (eval exp)


   ((number? exp) exp)

   ((sum? exp)    (eval-sum exp))


    (error "unknown expression " exp))))


(define (eval-sum exp)

   (+ (eval (cadr exp)) (eval (caddr exp))))



(eval '(plus* 1 (plus* 1 1)))




(define (tag-check e sym) (and (pair? e) (eq? (car e) sym)))


(define (define? exp) (tag-check exp 'define*))

(define (if? exp)      (tag-check exp 'if*))

(define (lambda? e) (tag-check e 'lambda*))

(define (application? e) (pair? e))


(define (eval exp env)


   ((number? exp)       exp)

   ((symbol? exp)      (lookup exp env))

   ((define? exp)      (eval-define exp env))

   ((if? exp)          (eval-if exp env))

   ((lambda? exp)      (eval-lambda exp env))

   ((application? exp) (apply (eval (car exp) env)

                              (map (lambda (e) (eval e env))

                                   (cdr exp))))


    (error "unknown expression " exp))))


; lookup searches the list of frames for the first match

(define (lookup name env)

  (if (null? env)

      (error "unbound variable: " name)

      (let ((binding (table-get (car env) name)))

        (if (null? binding)

            (lookup name (cdr env))

                 (binding-value binding)))))


; define changes the first frame in the environment

(define (eval-define exp env)

  (let ((name          (cadr exp))

        (defined-to-be (caddr exp)))

    (table-put! (car env) name (eval defined-to-be env))



(define (binding-value binding)

  (error "binding" binding)



(define (eval-if exp)

  (let ((predicate   (cadr exp))

        (consequent  (caddr exp))

        (alternative (cadddr exp)))

    (let ((test (eval predicate)))


       ((eq? test #t)  (eval consequent))

       ((eq? test #f)  (eval alternative))

       (else           (error "predicate not a conditional: "


(define (eval-lambda exp env)

  (let ((args (cadr exp))

        (body (caddr exp)))

    (make-compound args body env)))


(define (apply operator operands)

  (cond ((primitive? operator)

         (scheme-apply (get-scheme-procedure operator)


        ((compound? operator)

         (eval (body operator)


                           (parameters operator)


                           (env operator))))


         (error "operator not a procedure: " operator))))



;; ADT that implements the "double bubble"


(define compound-tag 'compound)

(define (make-compound parameters body env)

                    (list compound-tag parameters body env))

(define (compound? exp)  (tag-check exp compound-tag))


(define (parameters compound) (cadr compound))

(define (body compound)       (caddr compound))

(define (env compound)        (cadddr compound))


;; primitive: an ADT that stores scheme procedures


(define prim-tag 'primitive)

(define (make-primitive scheme-proc)(list prim-tag scheme-proc))

(define (primitive? e)              (tag-check e prim-tag))

(define (get-scheme-procedure prim) (cadr prim))


;; Environment model code (part of eval 6)

;; Environment = list<table>


(define (extend-env-with-new-frame names values env)

  (let ((new-frame (make-table)))

    (make-bindings! names values new-frame)

    (cons new-frame env)))


(define (make-bindings! names values table)


     (lambda (name value) (table-put! table name value))

     names values))


; the initial global environment

(define GE 


     (list 'plus* 'greater*)

     (list (make-primitive +) (make-primitive >))



; table

(define (find-assoc key alist)


    ((null? alist) #f)

               ((equal? key (caar alist)) (cadar alist))

               (else (find-assoc key (cdr alist)))))


(define (add-assoc key val alist)

   (cons (list key val) alist))


(define table-tag 'table)


(define (make-table) (cons table-tag nil))


(define (table-get tbl key)

  (find-assoc key (cdr tbl)))


(define (table-put! tbl key val)

  (set-cdr! tbl (add-assoc key val (cdr tbl))))