6.001 Recitation RI: Konrad
Tollmar http://www.ai.mikt.edu/~konrad/6001
The final quiz will cover all the material through this
course. You may bring 3 sheets of notes to the exam. Consider the two procedures below.
Assume the arguments passed in are always positive integers. (define (odd? x) (if (= x 1) #t (even? (- x
1)))) Given the above definitions, when the
expression (odd? 24) is evaluated, does that generate a recursive
or iterative process? Why? What is the order of growth of in
space of the procedure even? What is the order of growth of in time
of the procedure odd? Change one of the two functions above
to make the process the opposite of what it currently is (eg. If it's a
recursive process, make it iterative and if it's an iterative process, make it
recursive). Consider the function below: (define (power-of-2?
n) Does the function power-of-2? generate a recursive or iterative process? Why? What is the order of growth of in time
of the procedure power-of-2? What is the order of growth of in
space of the procedure power-of-2? Assume that we have one global put
and get table called *global-put-table*. Define (a simplified version of) put and get as follows. (put keys
value) -- Places the value in the global table indexed by keys(get
keys) ==> value For example, (put '(6001
is) 'fun) Complete the following three
definitions for put and get. (define
*global-put-table* ) For each of the following sets of expressions, write down what
the last one will return. If it returns an error, or doesn't return at all, say
so. You can assume each set of expressions is evaluated in a fresh Scheme
buffer. Set 1: (define s1 (cons-stream 1 s1)) (define s2 (cons-stream 1 (add-streams s1 s2))) (define s3 (cons-stream 0 (add-streams s2 s3))) (stream-car (stream-cdr
(stream-cdr (stream-cdr (stream-cdr s3))))) Set
2: (define (map2 p s1 s2) (cons-stream (p (stream-car s1)
(stream-car s2)) (map2 p (stream-cdr s1)
(stream-cdr s2)))) (define
x (cons-stream 2 x)) (define
y (cons-stream 3 (map2 - y (stream-cdr x)))) (stream-car
(stream-cdr (stream-cdr (stream-cdr y)))) Set
3: (empty-stream?
(stream-filter odd? (stream-filter even? integers))) We want a special form called while with the
following behavior: (while <text-exp> <exp1> <exp1> ...
<expn>) will first evaluate the <test-exp> expression. If it is true, then while will evaluate each of the
consequence expressions in turn and recurse. If the <test-exp> is false, then the while returns the value false immediately. A. Add the while special form to the metacircular evaluator. B.
Add the while special form to the explicit control
evaluator. We would like to introduce a new special form to our
evaluator called same?.
always takes three arguments, and returns #t
if all three arguments are eq?.
however is smart in that if the first two arguments are different, then the
third argument is not evaluated. Here are some examples of using same?. A. To add this special
form to the evaluator, we need to define some data abstraction. Define the
function same??
that checks to see if an expression is a same?
expression. B. Define the functions same?-first
and same?-second
that select out the first and second sub-expressions (assume someone else
defined same?-third). C. Next, write the
appropriate clause to add to the cond
clause of eval,
assuming that we have the function eval-same?
that will evaluate a same?
expression. D. Finally, write the eval-same?
function that takes a same?
expression and an environment and implements the special form as described
above. Draw
the Data Paths AND Controller for a machine to compute whether the input x is odd by successively subtracting 1 from
the input. You can assume that the input will be a positive integer. Assume the
only primitive operations you have are subtraction, logical not, and testing
equality. After your machine finishes running, the result in the answer
register should be either #t or #f. Consider the following code output
by the compiler: A. What source code expression was
compiled to produce lines 14-25 of the object code? B. What source code expression was
compiled to produce lines 11-35 of the object code? C. What source code expression was
compiled to produce lines 6-35 of the object code? D. What is the overall expression
that compiled into the object code shown? E. This code was compiled in such a
way that a tail recursive call was produced. How would it differ if a simpler
compiler had ignored that optimization? F. How can you hand optimize out
the need for binding x in the
environment? G. Can you do the same for f? 1. Iterative vs. Recursive Processes
and Order of Growth
(define (even? x) (not (odd? x)))
(cond ((= n 1) #t)
((< n 1) #f)
(else (power-of-2? (/ n 2))))) 2. Implementing Put and Get
(get '(6001 is))
==> fun
(put '(6001 is now)
'(almost over))
(get '(6001 is now))
==> (almost over)
(define (put keys value) )
(get keys)) 3. Streams and Higher Order
4. Eval
5. Introduce a new special form
(same? 'x 'x 'x) ==> #t
(same? 'x 'x 'y) ==> #f
(same? 'x 'y 'y) ==> #f
(same? 'x 'y (/ 1 0)) ==> #f
(same? 'x 'x (/ 1 0)) ==> Divide by Zero Error
6. Register Machines
1. (assign val (op make-compiled-procedure) (label entry24) (reg env))
2. (goto (reg continue))
3. entry24
4. (assign env (op compiled-procedure-env) (reg proc))
5. (assign env (op extend-environment) (const (f)) (reg argl) (reg env))
6. (assign val (op make-compiled-procedure) (label entry25) (reg env))
7. (goto (reg continue))
8. entry25
9. (assign env (op compiled-procedure-env) (reg proc))
10.(assign env (op extend-environment) (const (x)) (reg argl) (reg env))
11.(assign proc (op lookup-variable-value) (const f) (reg env))
12.(save continue)
13.(save proc)
14.(assign proc (op lookup-variable-value) (const f) (reg env))
15.(assign val (op lookup-variable-value) (const x) (reg env))
16.(assign argl (op list) (reg val))
17.(test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc))
18.(branch (label primitive-branch28))
20.(assign continue (label after-call26))
21.(assign val (op compiled-procedure-entry) (reg proc))
22.(goto (reg val))
24.(assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl))
26.(assign argl (op list) (reg val))
27.(restore proc)
28.(restore continue)
29.(test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc))
30.(branch (label primitive-branch31))
32.(assign val (op compiled-procedure-entry) (reg proc))
33.(goto (reg val))
35.(assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl))
36.(goto (reg continue))