6.001 Recitation #2 – Sept 6, 2002


RI: Konrad Tollmar, NE43-V608

konrad@ai.mit.edu, http://www.ai..mit.edu/~konrad/6001


The MIT Scheme programming environment

Basic Scheme


-         primitives

-         combinations

-         abstractions

-         lambda

-         special form cond

-         special form if


1. Evaluate these expressions


(+ 2 3)

 -> 5


(+ (* (/ 12 2) 1000) 1)

-> 6001


(+ 4)

-> 4



(- 3)

-> -3



(/ 5)

-> 0.2



(/ 60 5 2 3)

-> 2




-> 0




-> 1




-> error




(define a 1)

-> undef


(define a+1 (+ a 1))

-> undef



-> 1



-> 2


(define a 2)

-> undef



-> 2


(define four 4)

-> undef



-> 4


(+ four 1)

-> 5


(+ (four) 1)

-> error


2. Lambda


A. Evaluate these lambda procedures


(define six (lambda () 6))

-> undef



-> 6


(+ six 1)

-> error


(+ (six) 1)

-> 7


(define inc

  (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))

-> undef


B. Define the lambda procedures twice and second.



(define (twice x)

           (* 2 x))


(define (second a b c)




C. What is difference?


Plus take any number of arguments, add take only two arguments


D. Define an abs function


(define abs (lambda (x)

(cons ((> x 0) x)

      ((< x 0) (- x))

      (else 0)))



(define abs (lambda (x)

 (if (< x 0) (- x) x)))




E. Procedure abstractions


(define avarage (lambda (x y) (/ (+ x y) 2)))

(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))

(define avsq (lambda (x y) (avarage (square x) (square y))))


F. Procedure abstractions


(define convert (lambda (currency amount)

  (cond ((string=? currency "USD") (/ amount RATE))

           ((string=? currency "SEK") (* amount RATE))

           (else "error"))))



(define convert (lambda (currency amount)

  (cond ((string=? currency "USD")


              (display (string-append "USD->SEK: " (number->string (/ amount RATE))))

              (/ amount RATE)))

           ((string=? currency "SEK") (* amount RATE))

           (else "error"))))