6.001 Recitation #4 – Feb 14,
RI: Konrad Tollmar
• Data abstractions
• Pairs and lists
• Common list operations
(define x (list 1 2))
(define y (list (list 1 2) (list 1 2))
(define z (list x x))
X ==> (1 2)
Y ==> ((1 2) (1 2))
Z ==> ((1 2) (1 2))
aware of that the box & pointer diagram for Y & Z are different!
1 nil) ==> (1)
1 (cons 2 nil)) ==> (1 2)
thing (cons (cons 1 nil) (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))))
thing ==> ((1) 2 3)
thing) ==> (1)
thing) ==> (2 3)
(car thing)) ==> 1
(cdr (cdr thing))) ==> 3
(car (cons (+ 1 2) (- 3 4))) ==> 3
(cdr 6) ==> error
(cdr (car (cons (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)))) ==> 3
(pair? #t)
==> #f
(pair? (car (cons 1 2))) ==> #f
(pair? (cons (+ 1 2) (car (cons (3 4))))) ==> #t
=> (())
=> (1 2 3)
=> (1 (2 3) ((4)))
=> (1 2 3 4 5)
x) ==> 1
y) ==> 3
z) ==> 3 (length don’t travers the three)
z 2) ((4))
x y) (() 1 2 3)
(cons x y) (()) 1 2 3)
(map proc lst)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (proc (car
(map proc (cdr lst)))))
(map square (1 2 3))
5. Data abstractions
You and your partner have been asked to build a small vector package. Firstly should you together define an interface to this package, i.e. the constructor, selectors and operations. Secondly, one of you implements the constructors and the selectors, while your partner implement a couple of vector operations. Last verify that your code work together and prepare a brief presentation.