Leo Zhu
Postdoctoral Associate in
Bill Freeman's group
32-D462, Stata Center
leo zhu AT csail dot mit dot edu
My research interests are statistical machine learning, computational vision
and graphics, with
particular emphasis on learning models for visual patterns such as textures, objects and image scenes.
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Journal Papers:
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Yuan Lin, Chenxi
Lin, Alan Yuille. Recursive Segmentation and Recognition
Templates for Image Parsing. IEEE Transactions on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI).
(under review) 2010.
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Chenxi Lin, Alan
Yuille. Max-Margin Learning of Hierarchical Configural
Deformable Templates (HCDT) for Efficient Object Parsing and Pose Estimation. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV). 2010.
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Alan Yuille. Learning a Hierarchical
Deformable Template for Rapid Deformable Object Parsing. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI).2010.
Yuanhao Chen, Long
Zhu, Alan Yuille, Hongjiang Zhang. Unsupervised
Learning of Probabilistic Object Models (POMs) for Object Classi¯cation,
Segmentation and Recognition using Knowledge Propagation. IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). Oct. 2009.
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Alan Yuille. Unsupervised
Learning of Probabilistic Grammar-Markov Models for Object Categories. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). Jan. 2009.
Conference Papers:
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Antonio Torralba,
William Freeman, Alan Yuille. Part and Appearance Sharing: Recursive
Compositional Models for Multi-View Multi-Object Detection .
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2010.
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Alan Yuille, William Freeman. Latent Hierarchical Structural Learning for Object Detection.
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2010.
Yuanhao Chen, Long
Zhu, Alan Yuille. Active Mask Hierarchies for Object
Detection. IEEE Proc. Of the European Conference on
Computer Vision (ECCV). 2010.
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, William Freeman, Antonio Torralba.
Nonparametric Bayesian Texture Learning and Synthesis.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). 2009.
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Yuan Lin, Chenxi
Lin, Alan Yuille. Recursive Segmentation and Recognition
Templates for 2D Parsing. Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems (NIPS).
Long Zhu, Chenxi Lin, Haoda Huang, Yuanhao Chen, Alan Yuille. Unsupervised Structure Learning:
Hierarchical Recursive Composition, Suspicious Coincidence and Competitive Exclusion.
Proc. Of the European Conference on
Computer Vision (ECCV). 2008.
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Yifei Lu, Chenxi Lin, Alan Yuille. Max Margin
AND/OR Graph Learning for Parsing the Human Body.
Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).2008.
Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Xingyao
Ye, Alan Yuille. Structure-Perceptron
Learning of a Hierarchical Log-Linear Model. IEEE
Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2008.
Yuanhao Chen, Long
Zhu, Alan Yuille, Hongjiang Zhang. Unsupervised
Learning of Probabilistic Object Models (POMs) for Object Classification,
Segmentation and Recognition. IEEE Conf. on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Yuanhao Chen, Long
Zhu, Chenxi Lin, Alan Yuille, Hongjiang
Zhang. Rapid Inference on a Novel AND/OR graph for Object Detection,
Segmentation and Parsing. Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems (NIPS).
Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Alan Yuille. Unsupervised
Learning of a Probabilistic Grammar for Object Detection and Parsing. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). 2006.
Long Zhu,
Alan Yuille. A Hierarchical Compositional System for Rapid
Object Detection. Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems (NIPS).
Rong Xiao, Long
Zhu, HongJiang Zhang. Boosting
Chain Learning for Object Detection. International
Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).
Stan Z. Li,
Long Zhu, ZhenQiu Zhang, Andrew Blake, HongJiang Zhang, Harry Shum. Statistical
Learning of Multi-view Face Detection. Proc. of the European
Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).