# -------------------------------------------------------- This file repository contains supplementary data and code for the submission: Fluidic Innervation Sensorizes Structures from a Single Build Material # -------------------------------------------------------- Ryan L. Truby, Lillian Chin, Annan Zhang, and Daniela Rus MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab Massachusetts Institute of Technology # -------------------------------------------------------- Contents: - install -> Contains files to install the conda environment: - installation.txt: Installation instructions - environment.yml: Dependencies and required packages - code -> Contains code for preprocessing, training, evaluation: - preprocessing.py: script to preprocess data - dataset.py: dataset class - models.py: model class for LSTM - utils.py: utility functions, including training and evaluating - main.py: script to train single model - main_hpsearch.py: script for hyperparameter search - evaluate.py: script to evaluate existing model on test data - data -> Contains raw and preprocessed data - data.pkl: raw data files with all sequences in one array, separated by zero rows - data_all_list_rnd-seed1619.pkl: data separated into lists of training/validation/test sequences, statistics - data_train-val_seq-len64_val-ratio0.1_rnd-seed1619.pkl: training and validation data generated with sliding window method described in Materials and Methods - log_rnd-seed1619.txt: log file generated during preprocessing - models -> Contains weights and log files of the trained models - search -> Contains results and models of hyperparameter search - retraining -> Contains models from final retraining with best architecture - anim -> Contains code and files to generate renders of the sHSA platform: - best-model -> Contains: - csv: ground truth and prediction files copied from evaluation of best model on test set - mp4: renders in 3D view, generated by animate.m - mp4_front-view: renders in front view, generated by animate.m - animate.m: MATLAB script to generate renders - calculate_*.m: Helper functions for animate.m # -------------------------------------------------------- Contact Annan Zhang (zhang@csail.mit.edu) for questions.