6.441 Course announcement
Prereq: 6.041
Time: TuTh 11:00-12:30pm
Location: 32-124
3-0-9 H-Level Grad Credit
Transmission of Information
This course teaches the theory behind the transmission of
information. Rough collection of topics includes:
- Entropy and Information: Definitions, variations of the
notions, their properties.
- Source Coding: Estimating the amount of information produced by a
source and compressing this information. Introduces the Asymptotic
Equipartion Property (AEP, an extension of the law of large numbers).
- Channel Coding: Models of noisy channels. Coding theorem and its
converse. Joint source-channel coding.
- Network Information Theory.
- Applications of Information Theory to other domains: Stock
Markets, Gambling etc.
See course homepage http://theory.csail.mit.edu/~madhu/ST06/
for more details. Most of the material for the course is covered in Elements of Information Theory by Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas. Also see
for information on previous offerings of this course.
Instructor: Madhu
TA: Chung Chan