Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
6.001--Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Fall Semester, 1997
Problem Set 3
Graphing with Higher-order Procedures
Issued: Tuesday, 23 September
Due: Wednesday, 1 October
Tutorial preparation for: Week of September 29
One of the things that makes Scheme different from other common programming languages is the ability to operate with higher-order procedures, namely, procedures that manipulate and generate other procedures. This problem set will give you extensive practice with higher-order procedures, in the context of a language for graphing two-dimensional curves and other shapes. Sections 1 and 2 give some background on the essential ideas, with Tutorial, Pre-Lab and Lab exercises included. Section 3, the actual lab assignment, describes the graphics language and gives applications to generating fractal designs.
Do Exercise 1.32 in the course notes.
In this assignment we use many procedures which may be applied to many different types of arguments and may return different types of values. To keep track of this, it will be helpful to have some simple notation to describe types of Scheme values.
Two basic types of values are Sch-Num, the Scheme numbers such as 3, -4.2, 6.931479453e89, and Sch-Bool, the truth values #t,#f. The procedure square may be applied to a Sch-Num and will return another Sch-Num. We indicate this with the type notation:
(define (square x) (* x x))
In trigonmetry it is common to talk about the function which is
the square of the cosine function. In Scheme, the corresponding procedure
would be
(define (cos-square x) (square (cos x)))
(define cos-square (square cos))
Of course it really does make sense to square a numerical function, if we get the types right
(define square-a-procedure (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (square (f x)))))
Now the procedure square-a-procedure may be applied to a procedure of
type and returns another procedure of that type:
or, abbreviating as F
and now we can say correctly
(define cos-square (square-a-procedure cos))
There are many other operations like squaring which can usefully be made into operations on procedures. The method for making such operations is captured by
(define (make-procedure-op number-op) (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (number-op (f x)))))
so now we can say
(define cos-square ((make-procedure-op square) cos))
That is, make-procedure-op may be applied to an ``operator'' of type F and returns the corresponding operator on procedures of type F:
We can also look at operations which can take two arguments, for example, subtraction. The procedure - may be applied to two `s and will return a Sch-Num. We indicate this with the notation:
We can also make binary operations on numbers into operations on procedures:
(define (make-procedure-binop binop) (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (binop (f x) (g x))))) (define subtract-procedures (make-procedure-binop -))
We can use this to define the square-difference procedure
(define (square-difference f g) (subtract-procedures (square-a-procedure f) (square-a-procedure g)))
(make-procedure-binop -)
So far we have made operations on numbers into operations on procedures,
but it is actually common to make them into operations on operations on
procedures! For example, the procedure deriv of SICP, Section
1.3.4, has type . With it, we can define another procedure
deriv-squared of the same type:
(define (deriv-squared f) (square-a-procedure (deriv f)))
(define deriv-squared (square-a-procedure deriv))
How about a ``squaring'' operation which applies to an operation like deriv? No problem:
(define (square-an-operator-on-proc op-on-proc) (lambda (f) (square-a-procedure (op-on-proc f))))(define deriv-squared (square-an-operator-on-proc deriv))
We're going to develop a language for defining and drawing planar curves. We'd like to plot points, construct graphs of functions, transform curves by scaling and rotating, and so on. One of the key ideas that we'll stress throughout 6.001 is that a well-designed language has parts that combine to make new parts that themselves can be combined. This property is called closure.
A planar curve in ``parametric form'' can be described mathematically as a
function from parameter values to points in the plane. For example, we
could describe the unit-circle as the function taking t to where t ranges over the unit interval [0,1]. In Scheme,
we let Unit-Interval be the type of Scheme-numbers between 0 and 1, and we
represent curves by procedures of Scheme type Curve, where
and Point is some representation of pairs of Sch-Num's.
To work with Point, we need a constructor, make-point, which constructs Point's from Sch-Num's, and selectors, x-of and y-of, for getting the x and y coordinates of a Point. We require only that the constructors and selectors obey the rules
for all Sch-Num's m,n. In this problem set, we'll use procedures to represent points:
(define (make-point x y) (lambda (bit) (if (zero? bit) x y)))(define (x-of point) (point 0))
(define (y-of point) (point 1))
For example, we can define the Curve unit-circle and the Curve unit-line (along the x-axis):
(define (unit-circle t) (make-point (sin (* 2pi t)) (cos (* 2pi t))))(define (unit-line-at y) (lambda (t) (make-point t y)))
(define unit-line (unit-line-at 0))
Note that we are already making a conceptual shift in our thinking. Here, a curve is not a geometric set of points, rather it is a procedure for taking number values in the unit interval, and generating the corresponding point. The key is that a curve is a procedure!
In addition to the direct construction of Curve's such as unit-circle or unit-line, we can use elementary Cartesian geometry in designing Scheme procedures which operate on Curve's. For example, the mapping rotates the plane by , so
(define (rotate-pi/2 curve) (lambda (t) (let ((ct (curve t))) (make-point (- (y-of ct)) (x-of ct)))))
defines a procedure which takes a curve and transforms it into another, rotated, curve. The type of rotate-pi/2 is
Thus, a curve transform is a procedure that converts an input procedure to a new procedure, i.e., a curve transform is a higher order procedure. Note in general that having a framework for describing types enables us to reason about procedures, e.g., knowing the type of an argument and the desired type of the output provides guidance on what must be done within a procedure to execute the desired transformation.
Write a definition of a Curve-Transform upside-down, which flips a curve over a horizontal line through its start point.
We have provided a variety of other procedure Curve-Transform's and procedures which construct Curve-Transform's in the file curves.scm. For example,
(define (put-in-standard-position curve) (let* ((start-point (curve 0)) (curve-started-at-origin ((translate (- (x-of start-point)) (- (y-of start-point))) curve)) (new-end-point (curve-started-at-origin 1)) (theta (atan (y-of new-end-point) (x-of new-end-point))) (curve-ended-at-x-axis ((rotate-around-origin (- theta)) curve-started-at-origin)) (end-point-on-x-axis (x-of (curve-ended-at-x-axis 1)))) ((scale (/ 1 end-point-on-x-axis)) curve-ended-at-x-axis)))
It is useful to have operations which combine curves into new ones. We let Binary-Transform be the type of binary operations on curves,
The procedure connect-rigidly is a simple Binary-Transform. Evaluation of (connect-rigidly curve1 curve2) returns a curve consisting of curve1 followed by curve2; the starting point of the curve returned by (connect-rigidly curve1 curve2) is the same as that of curve1 and the end point is the same as that of curve2.
(define (connect-rigidly curve1 curve2) (lambda (t) (if (< t (/ 1 2)) (curve1 (* 2 t)) (curve2 (- (* 2 t) 1)))))
Write a definition of the Binary-Transform connect-ends. Think carefully about the types of the different procedures you use, as this will help you decide how to stitch together the different kinds of operations you need.
Use M-x load-problem-set to load the code for problem set 2. This will create three graphics windows called g1, g2 and g3. The window coordinates go from 0 to 1 in both x and y with (0,0) at the lower left.
A drawing procedure takes a curve argument and automagically
displays points on the curve in a window. We've
provided several procedures that take a window (for example g1) and
a number of points, and return a drawing procedure, namely,
The procedure alternative-unit-circle in the file curves.scm also defines a unit-circle curve. Apply (draw-connected g1 200) to unit-circle, and (draw-connected g2 200) to alternative-unit-circle. Can you see a difference? Now try using draw-points-on instead of draw-connected. Also try draw-points-squeezed-to-window. Print out the resulting figures. Briefly explain why the unit circles printed using unit-circle and alternative-unit-circle differ.
To show off the power of our drawing language, let's use it to explore
fractal curves. Fractals have striking mathematical
properties. Fractals have received a lot of
attention over the past few years, partly because they tend to arise
in the theory of nonlinear differential equations, but also because
they are pretty, and their finite approximations can be easily
generated with recursive computer programs.
For example, Bill Gosper discovered that the infinite repetition of a
very simple process creates a rather beautiful image, now called the
Gosper C Curve. At each step of this process there is an
approximation to the Gosper curve. The next approximation is obtained
by adjoining two scaled copies of the current approximation, each
rotated by 45 degrees.
Figure shows the first few approximations to the Gosper
curve, where we stop after a certain number of levels: a level-0 curve
is simply a straight line; a level-1 curve consists of two level-0
curves; a level 2 curve consists of two level-1 curves, and so on.
You can also see from the figure how we use a recursive strategy for
making the next level of approximation: a level-n curve is made from
two level-(n-1) curves, each scaled to be times the
length of the original curve. One of the component curves is rotated
by (45 degrees) and the other is rotated by . After
each piece is scaled and rotated, it must be translated so that the
ending point of the first piece is continuous with the starting point
of the second piece.
We assume that the approximation we are given to improve (named curve in the procedure) is in standard position. By doing some geometry, you can figure out that the second curve, after being scaled and rotated, must be translated right by .5 and up by .5, so its beginning coincides with the endpoint of the rotated, scaled first curve. This leads to the Curve-Transform gosperize:
Examples of the Gosper C curve at levels 0, 1, 2, 3, and 5.
(define (gosperize curve) (let ((scaled-curve ((scale (/ (sqrt 2) 2)) curve))) (connect-rigidly ((rotate-around-origin (/ pi 4)) scaled-curve) ((translate .5 .5) ((rotate-around-origin (/ -pi 4)) scaled-curve)))))
Now we can generate approximations at any level to the Gosper curve by repeatedly gosperizing the unit line, using the repeated procedure of Problem Set 2.
(define (gosper-curve level) ((repeated gosperize level) unit-line))
To look at the level level gosper curve, evaluate (show-connected-gosper level):
(define (show-connected-gosper level) ((draw-connected g1 200) ((squeeze-rectangular-portion -.5 1.5 -.5 1.5) (gosper-curve level))))
(show-points-gosper window level number-of-points initial-curve)
will plot number-of-points unconnected points of the level level gosper curve in window, but starting the gosper-curve approximation with an arbitrary initial-curve rather than the unit line. For instance,
(show-points-gosper g1 level 200 unit-line)
should display the same points as (show-connected-gosper level), but without connecting them. But you should also be able to use your procedure with arbitrary curves. (You can find the description of procedure squeeze-rectangular-portion in the file curves.scm; you don't need to understand it in detail to do this exercise.)
Try gosperizing the arc of the unit circle running from 0 to .
You will probably want to put the curve in standard position, as well
as ensuring that the result is a curve (which means it should take as
input a parameter from the unit line). Find some examples that produce
interesting designs. (You may also want to change the scale in the
plotting window and the density of points plotted.)
The Gosper fractals we have been playing with have had the angle of rotation fixed at 45 degrees. This angle need not be fixed. It need not even be the same for every step of the process. Many interesting shapes can be created by changing the angle from step to step.
We can define a procedure param-gosper that generates Gosper curves with changing angles. Param-gosper takes a level number (the number of levels to repeat the process) and a second argument called angle-at. The procedure angle-at should take one argument, the level number, and return an angle (measured in radians) as its answer
Procedure param-gosper can use this to calculate the angle to be used at each step of the recursion.
(define (param-gosper level angle-at) (if (= level 0) unit-line ((param-gosperize (angle-at level)) (param-gosper (- level 1) angle-at))))
The procedure param-gosperize is almost like gosperize, except that it takes an another argument, the angle of rotation to use at each level:
(define (param-gosperize theta) (lambda (curve) (let ((scale-factor (/ (/ 1 (cos theta)) 2))) (let ((scaled-curve ((scale scale-factor) curve))) (connect-rigidly ((rotate-around-origin theta) scaled-curve) ((translate .5 (* (sin theta) scale-factor)) ((rotate-around-origin (- theta)) scaled-curve)))))))
A parameterized version of the Gosper process, where the
angle x can vary. Note that the endpoints of the transformed figure
should be the same as the endpoints of the original figure, and
the interior endpoints should match.
For example, the ordinary Gosper curve at level level is returned by
(param-gosper level (lambda (level) pi/4))
(define (param-gosperize theta) (lambda (curve) (put-in-standard-position (connect-ends ... ...))))
Generate some parameterized Gosper curves where the angle changes with the level n. We suggest starting with and . Submit sample printouts with your problem solutions.
We now have three procedures to compute gosper curves: gosper-curve, and param-gosper with argument (lambda (level) (/ pi 4))) using the ``hand-crafted'' definition of param-gosperize above, or using your version of param-gosperize in 7.A based on put-in-standard-position. Compare the speed of these procedures for computing selected points on the curve at a few levels. Is there a speed advantage for the more customized procedures?
The procedure show-time will report the time in milliseconds required to evaluate a procedure of no arguments (a ``thunk''). For example, evaluating
(show-time (lambda () ((gosper-curve 10) .1)))
will print out the time to compute the point at .1 on the level 10 gosper-curve.
Ben Bitdiddle isn't entirely happy with the style of several of the Scheme definitions on this problem set. In particular, he feels the code goes overboard in inventing names for values that are used infrequently, and this lengthens the code and burdens someone reading the code with remembering the invented names. For example, Ben thinks the definition
(define (rotate-around-origin theta) (let ((cth (cos theta)) (sth (sin theta))) (lambda (curve) (lambda (t) (let ((ct (curve t))) ;Ben eliminates the declaration of ct (let ((x (x-of ct)) (y (y-of ct))) (make-point (- (* cth x) (* sth y)) (+ (* sth x) (* cth y)))))))))
would be a bit more readable if the name ct for the value of (curve t) was dropped. He proposes instead:
(define (bens-rotate theta) (let ((cth (cos theta)) (sth (sin theta))) (lambda (curve) (lambda (t) (let ((x (x-of (curve t))) ;Ben writes (curve t) (y (y-of (curve t)))) ;twice (make-point (- (* cth x) (* sth y)) (+ (* sth x) (* cth y))))))))
Is Ben's definition correct?
Alyssa P. Hacker warns Ben that the let declarations are more significant computationally than mere abbreviations. Briefly explain why using bens-rotate as a subprocedure in place of the original rotate-around-origin in the definition of gosper-curve will turn a process whose time is linear in the level into one which is exponential in the level.
Look up the online documentation of the trace-entry procedure in the Scheme Users Manual. Trace x-of to show how dramatically Alyssa's warning is confirmed when computing points on the gosper curve using bens-rotate as a subprocedure in place of the original rotate-around-origin. Turn in a table summarizing the number of calls to x-of by gosper-curve using the two different rotating procedures at four or five illustrative levels. (A simple way to switch to use of bens-rotate in place of rotate-around-origin is to evaluate
(define rotate-around-origin bens-rotate)
Of course, you had better save the procedure rotate-around-origin under some other name so you can restore it. Otherwise, you may have to reload the problem set.)
We can now invent other schemes like the Gosper process, and use them to generate fractal curves.
Write a procedure kochize that generates Koch curves.
The Koch at levels 0, 1 and 2. Also, at the right is a ``snowflake''
curve formed by connecting together three rotated versions of a Koch
To generate the next level of curve, split the current level into
three equal pieces. The first and third contain scaled copies of the
current curve. In the middle piece, place two scaled and rotated (by
60 and -60 degrees) copies of the current level curve.
(Teaser: You can generate the Koch curve by using param-gosper with an appropriate argument. Can you find this?)
You now have a lot of elements to work with: scaling, rotation, translation, curve plotting, Gosper processes, Koch processes, and generalizations. For example, you can easily generalize the parameterized Gosper process to start with something other than an horizontal line. The Gosper curve is continuous but nowhere differentiable, so it may be interesting to display its derivatives at various levels and numbers of points (see the procedure deriv-t in the file curves.scm). Or you can create new fractal processes. Or you can combine the results of different processes into one picture. Spend some time playing with these ideas to see what you can come up with.
We hope you will have generated some interesting designs in doing this assignment. Please turn in at least one example of a new design that you have created, and show the expression you used to generate it. Feel free to create entirely new kinds of fractals if you wish. In order to minimize demand on the graphics printers do not turn in more than four pictures.
See Next Page
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We encourage you to work with others on problem sets as long as you acknowledge it (see the 6.001 General Information handout).
If you cooperated with other students, LA's, or others, or found portions of your answers for this problem set in references other than the course text (such as some of the course archives), please indicate your consultants' names and your references in the space below. Also, explicitly label all text and code you are submitting which is the same as that being submitted by one of your collaborators.
Otherwise, write ``I worked alone using only the course reference materials.'' and sign your statement.
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