The Missing Step

Bob was delighted when, in his final year in grad school, a joint paper with his faculty thesis supervisor, Carol, was accepted at a competitive symposium in Theoretical Computer Science. The paper sketched the proof of a conjecture in complexity theory which had been the subject of a half dozen prior papers. Bob's presentation was heard favorably by experts at the symposium, and afterward Bob began the detailed write-up of the proof for inclusion in his thesis.

But now, midway through the write-up he realizes he cannot prove an essential lemma which had earlier seemed routine to both him and Carol. He tells Carol, and after a couple of days' work, they realize that they had overlooked a serious lacuna in the proof when they published their symposium paper.

Carol says they are obligated to publish an erratum in the following years' symposium volume; the deadline for submissions to next years' volume has formally just passed, but she thinks they can still squeeze the erratum in if they mail it promptly.

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