06-Colosseum inside
07-Colosseum inside
08-Colosseum inside
09-Colosseum inside
10-Colosseum arena
11-Arch of Constantine
12-Via Sacra & Arch of Titus
13-Via Sacra
14-Roman Forum
15-Roman Forum
16-Roman Forum
17-Roman Forum
18-Roman Forum
19-Roman Forum
20-Roman Forum
21-Trajan's Forum
22-Trajan's Column
23-Trajan's Column
24-Trajan's Column; detail
25-Rainbow over Palatine Hill
26Capitoline hill; Piazza del Campidoglio
27-Capitoline Hill; Marcus Aurelius
28-Victor Emmanuel II
29-Victor Emmanuel II
30-Victor Emmanuel II
31-Victor Emmanule inside
32-Victor Emmanuel inside
33-Colosseum seen from Victor Emmanuel
34-Rome seen from Victor Emmanuel
35-Fontana di Trevi
36-Fontana di Trevi
37-Fontana di Trevi
38-San Giovanni
39-San Giovanni
40-San Giovanni
42-Piazza Pantheon
43-Piazza Pantheon
46-Piazza Navona; central fountain
47-Piazza Navona; lateral fountain
48-Piazza Navona; central fountain
49-Piazza Minerva
50-Piazza di Spagna
51-Piazza di Spagna
52-Castel Sant'Angelo
53-Castel Sant'Angelo
54-San Pietro
55-San Pietro
56-San Pietro
57-View from the San Peter dome
58-San Pietro dome
59-The Vatican city; veiw from dome
60-the dome of San Pietro
61-the dome; detail
62-view of San Pietro from the dome
63-view of San Pietro from the dome
64-San Pietro
65-San Pietro
66-San Pietro
67-San Pietro
68-San Pietro altar
69-an Pietro
70-the Pieta
71-Vatican Museum
72-Vatican Museum
73-Vatican Museum
74-Vatican Museum
75-Rafael's School of Athens
76-Sistine Chapel
77-Vatican Museum
78-Palace of Justice
79-Piazza del Popolo
80-Piazza del Popolo from Villa Borghese
81-Borghese Gallery
82-Villa Borghese
83-Via del Corso
84-Rome museum in Palazzo Braschi
85-Rome museum
86-Palazzo Quirinale