My rental car was brand new
Apt buildings in Jerusalem
I parked my car in a distant neighborhood
And I started walking
Ethyopian Church
Ethyopian Church
Weird hourse
Spelling Isirh Pub
On the Knesset hill
Peace bell
Rose garden
Picketing (with Russian writing)
Cemetery near Knesset
One of the gates of the Old City
Tower of David
A plaza
Inside the Armenian Museum
Inside the Armenian Museum
Armenian church
Inside Amernian church
View from the City walls
Huge Jewish cemetery
Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock
The old Roman
Apparently this is golden
Now a pool bar
German church
View from church tower
Russian Church + Dome of the Rock
Church on Via Doloris
Church on Via Doloris
6th stop on Via Doloris
Supposedly Jesus leaned on the rock
...and met Mary here
Cell where Jesus was held
The icon shows this very stone
Church on Via Doloris
Church on Via Doloris
The Roman game from Renaissance paintings
Church on Via Doloris
Church on Via Doloris
Austrian Asylum
The Western Wall
Notice the notes in the Wall
I am on rooftops now
Hospital site
Curch of the Holy Sepulchre
Armenian section of Holy Sepulchre
Russian section
Greek section
Dividing wall built by Russians
Back outside the city walls
Reuse, recycle
Church of St. Peter
I slept by the Dead Sea
The Dead Sea
Floods go through here
En Gedi Beach
Dead Sea salt
Where I hiked
Of course, I went on one of the forbidden trails
It was a desert hike
Good camouflage, no?
View of En Gedi
On top!
Impressive canyon
The way down. Not kidding
Yeap, there was a good reason why the trail was forbidden
Goal: the green spot
Schoolgirls having fun
The water is down there
And here it just vanishes!
Home of the Dead Sea scrolls
Ceremonial pool
Maybe the scrolls were in that cave?
Nope, this one. Unimpressive.
At Technion in Haifa
In the Golan heights
Tel Aviv from Jaffa
Zodiac bridge
Around Tel Aviv
Sunset on the beach in Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv University
Roman ruins
View of Tel Aviv
Synagogue in the University
View from a tower building
Jaffa in the distance
Liam: "I need a hair cut!"
Market in Tel Aviv
English, Hebrew, Russian, Romanian
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photo album generator
Marginal Hack
on Mon Jan 29 21:12:50 2007