Course Creator and Instructor, MIT, Winter 2009-2011
I created this course to bring the prototyping and design process to MIT's computer science curriculum. I taught sketching, storyboarding, brainstorming, and the Arduino prototying suite. Some final projects:
User Interface Design and Implementation (6.813/6.831)
Teaching Assistant, MIT, Spring 2010
Guided student teams in semester-long design projects following the human-centered design process. Graded class programming projects, problem sets and quizzes.
Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces (6.835)
Guest Lecture, MIT, Spring 2009 & Spring 2007
Introduction to HCI of pen-and-paper computing, canvassing reasons why we might (and might not) want to involve digital pen and paper in our designs. Paper flight strips, the Digital Desk, CrossY, and more! [slides and videos]
Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (CS 147)
Teaching Assistant, Stanford University, Fall 2005
I TA'ed this course for Professor Terry Winograd, designing weekly section activities, advising class projects, and (of course) grading assignments. During the summer of 2005, I assisted in a major overhaul of the course material and structure.
Programming Methodology (CS 106A)
Section Leader, Stanford University, Spring 2004
Taught weekly sections and graded assignments for Stanford's introductory programming course. Covered programming syntax, control flow, OOP design, inheritance, and basic GUI patterns.

photo by Angela Chang