Kira got going with a ballad in Portuguese and continued with Autumn Leaves and Misty. Having giving her voice time to unfurl, she forged ahead with Summertime and Nature Boy. Her voice trilled, warbled, purred, and fluttered around the notes producing a mixture of sibilance, power, and breathy undertones as she went about her business. Her voice could have done with more cigarettes and alcohol to get that smoky tartness which is essential to the jazz sound. Age and experience would surely season it appropriately! She sang a few songs with an acoustic guitar accompaniment, the songs of Tracy Chapman and Bill Withers, where her voice embellished the songs with nostalgia and yearning.
Jazz Junction with Kira Intrator
Live at Ola's, December 15, 2005

Many assorted minstrels, troubadours, and artistes have wandered through Pune in recent months, and most have been off key. Jazz Junction - a trio, was the latest entrant in town, and I hobbled unenthusiastically along to hear them at Ola's on December 15. I immediately spotted Colin D'Cruz and my energy level shot up, in anticipation of a good melodic evening ahead. And that was till they started playing; after that, I was feasting on musical sensation!

Jazz Junction that night was (they play with different musicians) Lenny Heredia on keyboards, Rex Monsorate on drums, and Colin D'Cruz on bass as the unchanging ingredient. Lenny has trained in classical piano and is currently based in Perth. Rex is from Mumbai and plays at the J W Marriott on a regular basis. Both have teamed up with Colin intermittently. Colin shuttles between Goa and Mumbai and has recently toured the Far East with Soul Yatra - a jazz combo.
The band warmed up with two smooth and velvety numbers, showcasing the easy familiarity of the musicians with the material and with each other. And yes, they had a vocalist along, Kira Intrator, from the USA, all of 22 years. Kira is on a scholarship and is studying the musical forms of Egypt, Turkey, and India. Her father is a jazz musician and she has been singing jazz for a long, long time.


Andy for Drumming World

Jazz Junction meanwhile went about their business with great gusto, standing rock solid behind Kira when required and leaping into improvisations at opportune moments. By themselves they were superb, their music sublime and magnificent. Whipping up sounds that were crisp and distinct, Rex's nimble hands were sensitive and subtle. His solos were masterworks; blending beats and half times, swinging into serrated phrasings, to merge gracefully into the sound. Lenny was just as adept, using his fingers to caress, brush, and coax the keys to produce off the cuff improvisations. Through it all Colin presided, buttressing the sound with his no fuss bass lines. These were three virtuosos, holding court with fanfare and flourish, their sound a creamy concoction of their skill and life experience. The chill December night was the flagon that held this ambrosia of jazz, and the patrons made sure that it was drained to the last drop.
Hic, hic, hurray, and here is to the long life and health of Jazz Junction!!!