;; Nada Amin (namin@mit.edu)
;; 6.945 Problem Set 7
;; Due: Wed. 2 Apr. 2008

;(load "../test-manager/load.scm")
(load "load.scm")

;; Problem 7.1

(define (solve-yacht-puzzle knowing-mary-ann-moore?)
  (let ((daughter-barnacle 'melissa)
        (daughter-downing (amb 'mary-ann 'gabrielle 'lorna 'rosalind))
        (daughter-hall (amb 'mary-ann 'gabrielle 'lorna 'rosalind))
        (daughter-moore (if knowing-mary-ann-moore? 'mary-ann (amb 'mary-ann 'gabrielle 'lorna 'rosalind)))
        (daughter-parker (amb 'mary-ann 'lorna 'rosalind))
        (boat-barnacle 'gabrielle)
        (boat-downing 'melissa)
        (boat-hall 'rosalind)
        (boat-moore 'lorna)
        (boat-parker 'mary-ann))
    (let ((father-daughter-boat-list 
           (list (list 'barnacle daughter-barnacle boat-barnacle)
                 (list 'downing daughter-downing boat-downing)
                 (list 'hall daughter-hall boat-hall)
                 (list 'moore daughter-moore boat-moore)
                 (list 'parker daughter-parker boat-parker))))
      (define father car)
      (define daughter cadr)
      (define boat caddr)
      (define daughter&boat cdr)
      ; a father cannot name his boat after his daughter
       (lambda (t)
         (require (distinct? (daughter&boat t))))
      ; all daughters have distinct names
      (require (distinct? (map daughter father-daughter-boat-list)))
      ; all boats have distinct names
      (require (distinct? (map boat father-daughter-boat-list)))
      ; gabrielle's father owns the yacht that is named after dr. parker's daughter
       (lambda (t)
         (if (eq? (daughter t) 'gabrielle)
             (require (eq? (boat t) daughter-parker))))
       (lambda (t)
         (if (eq? (daughter t) 'lorna)
               (display (list "lorna's father is" (father t)))
       (lambda (t)
         (display (list (father t) "is the father of" (daughter t) "and the owner of" (boat t)))

(define (solve-yacht-puzzle-knowing) (solve-yacht-puzzle #t))
(define (solve-yacht-puzzle-not-knowing) (solve-yacht-puzzle #f))

;Value: done

(with-depth-first-schedule solve-yacht-puzzle-knowing)
;(lorna's father is downing)
;(barnacle is the father of melissa and the owner of gabrielle)
;(downing is the father of lorna and the owner of melissa)
;(hall is the father of gabrielle and the owner of rosalind)
;(moore is the father of mary-ann and the owner of lorna)
;(parker is the father of rosalind and the owner of mary-ann)
;Value: #f

(with-depth-first-schedule solve-yacht-puzzle-not-knowing)
;(lorna's father is parker)
;(barnacle is the father of melissa and the owner of gabrielle)
;(downing is the father of rosalind and the owner of melissa)
;(hall is the father of mary-ann and the owner of rosalind)
;(moore is the father of gabrielle and the owner of lorna)
;(parker is the father of lorna and the owner of mary-ann)
;(lorna's father is downing)
;(barnacle is the father of melissa and the owner of gabrielle)
;(downing is the father of lorna and the owner of melissa)
;(hall is the father of gabrielle and the owner of rosalind)
;(moore is the father of mary-ann and the owner of lorna)
;(parker is the father of rosalind and the owner of mary-ann)
;Value: #f

;; Problem 7.2

;; a

(define (snark-hunt tos)
   (lambda (k)
     (define (rec tos) 
       (if (symbol? tos)
           (if (eq? 'snark tos)
               (k #t)
             (for-each rec tos)
     (rec tos))))

(snark-hunt '((a b c) 'snark))
; Value: #t
(snark-hunt '((a b c) (snark . "oops") snark))
; Value: #t
(snark-hunt '((a b c) (miao . "oops")))
; error

;; b

(define (snark-hunt/instrumented tos)
   (lambda (k)
     (define (rec tos) 
       (pp `(entering (rec ,tos)))
       (if (symbol? tos)
           (if (eq? 'snark tos)
               (k #t)
             (for-each rec tos)
       (pp `(exiting (rec ,tos)))
     (rec tos))))

(snark-hunt/instrumented '((a snark b)))
;(entering (rec ((a snark b))))
;(entering (rec (a snark b)))
;(entering (rec a))
;(exiting (rec a))
;(entering (rec snark))
;Value: #t

(snark-hunt/instrumented '((snark . "oops")))
;(entering (rec ((snark . "oops"))))
;(entering (rec (snark . "oops")))
;(entering (rec snark))
;Value: #t

(snark-hunt/instrumented '(a b))
;(entering (rec (a b)))
;(entering (rec a))
;(exiting (rec a))
;(entering (rec b))
;(exiting (rec b))
;(exiting (rec (a b)))
;Value: #f


;; Problem 7.3


To reach (12 16 20), depth-first has to explore all triples i,j,k>=10
s.t. i<12 or (i=12 and j<16). 

Because we're searching up to 20, to reach (12 16 20), breadth-first
has to explore all the triples that depth-first explores plus many
more, as it explores the triples in a "fair" order.

If we had extended the search beyond 20, breadth-first would not
necessarily be slower than depth-first.

The extra calls to fail are coming from the require clause of

a-pythagorean-triple-from is not usable under depth-first because
depth-first fixes i and j and explores all possible k's. Since there
are infinitely many k's, depth-first stalls exploring triples of the
form (10 10 n) for all n>=10.


;; Problem 7.5

;; A.


An unordered (random) AMB might be useful if we're creating a
generator as opposed to a solver. For example, we might want to
generate random grammatical sentences. If we use a deterministic AMB,
the result is rather boring, as we always get the same sentences in
the same order.


(define (generate-sentence)
  (let ((sent (parse-sentence)))

(define (some lst)
  (if (null? lst)
      (amb (car lst) (some (cdr lst)))))

(define (parse-word word-list)
  (let ((found-word (some (cdr word-list))))
    (list (car word-list) found-word)))

;Value: (sentence (s-noun-phrase (article the) (noun student)) (verb studies))

;; B.

(define (order-left-to-right-alternation alternatives)

(define (order-right-to-left-alternation alternatives)
  (reverse alternatives))

(define (order-random-order-alternation alternatives)
  (define (all-but-one lst k)
    (append (list-head lst k)
            (list-tail lst (+ k 1))))
  (define (rec n lst)
    (if (= n 0)
        (let ((i (random n)))
          (let ((one (list-ref lst i))
                (rest (all-but-one lst i)))
            (cons one
                  (rec (- n 1)
  (rec (length alternatives)

(define order-alternation ;; Default

(define (with-left-to-right-alternation thunk)
   (lambda (k)
     (fluid-let ((order-alternation

(define (with-right-to-left-alternation thunk)
   (lambda (k)
     (fluid-let ((order-alternation

(define (with-random-order-alternation thunk)
   (lambda (k)
     (fluid-let ((order-alternation

(define (amb-list alternatives)
  (if (null? alternatives)
      (set! *number-of-calls-to-fail*
            (+ *number-of-calls-to-fail* 1)))
   (lambda (k)
       (map (lambda (alternative)
              (lambda ()
                (within-continuation k alternative)))

(define (just-the-words lst)
  (define (remove-cats lst)
    (cond ((symbol? lst)
          ((null? (cdr lst))
           (just-the-words (car lst)))
           (map just-the-words (cdr lst)))))
  (define (flatten lst)
    (cond ((symbol? lst)
           (list lst))
          ((null? lst)
           (append (flatten (car lst)) (flatten (cdr lst))))))
  (flatten (remove-cats lst)))
(just-the-words (with-random-order-alternation generate-sentence))
;Value: (the cat eats)
(just-the-words (with-random-order-alternation generate-sentence))
;;Value: (a professor by the cat for the student sleeps)
(just-the-words (with-random-order-alternation generate-sentence))
;Value: (the class studies to the class in a student by the professor in a student in a class in the student)
(just-the-words (with-random-order-alternation generate-sentence))
;Value: (a professor by a student studies)
(just-the-words (with-left-to-right-alternation generate-sentence))
;Value: (the student studies)
(just-the-words (with-right-to-left-alternation generate-sentence))
; out of memory

;; 7.6

(define moby-brain-twister-test
  (lambda ()
    (let ((x) (y) (z))
      (set! x (amb 1 2 3))
      (pp (list x))
      (set! y (amb 'a 'b))
      (pp (list x y))
      (set! z (amb #t #f))
      (pp (list x y z))

(with-breadth-first-schedule moby-brain-twister-test2)
(with-depth-first-schedule moby-brain-twister-test2)

The explanation is that we run the thunk ((set! x 1) ...) then ((set!
x 2) ...) then ((set! x 3) ...), and so x gets set to three. Then, we
alternate betweent the other options, when we run the inner thunks.
