HappyDoc Generated Documentation Gnuplot/RELEASES.txt

Gnuplot / RELEASES.txt 

# $Id: RELEASES.txt 306 2008-05-02 01:09:02Z alford $

These are my notes about the steps to make a new release of Gnuplot.py.

  1. Edit the following files for the release:
    add the version number at the top of the file and make sure that the comments are up-to-date.
    add the version number at the top of the file and update the blurbs as appropriate.
    update the version number where it appears. Update the "News" section.
    increment the __version__ string. No "+" on the end.
  2. Check the changes into Subversion. $ svn commit -m "Official version 1.8"
  3. Tag the release in Subversion: $ svn cp https://gnuplot-py.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gnuplot-py/trunk \ https://gnuplot-py.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gnuplot-py/tags/release-1.8 -m "Adding tag for release 1.8."
  4. Create new documentation using happydoc:

    $ rm -rf doc $ ( cd .. ; happydoc -d Gnuplot/doc -t Gnuplot.py \ --author=Michael Haggerty <mhagger@alum.mit.edu> Gnuplot )

  5. Generate the source distributions:

    $ python2 ./setup.py sdist --formats=gztar,zip

  6. [OMIT THIS] Generate the binary distributions. [I don't think a binary distribution is worthwhile because the place that the files need to be installed is dependent on the version of python being used.]

    $ python2 ./setup.py bdist --format=gztar,zip,rpm,wininst

  7. Release the files on SourceForge:
    1. Go to the "Admin" page.
    2. Go to the "File release system" page.
    3. Click on "Add Release" for package Gnuplot-py.
    4. Type a release name of the form "1.8".
    5. Paste the "New features in this version" section of ANNOUNCE.txt into the "release notes" text box.
    6. Follow the instructions to release the files.
    7. Send an email to people monitoring the project with the button at the bottom of the release page.
  8. Send an announcement to gnuplot-py-users.
  9. Send an announcement to comp.lang.python.
  10. Append a + to the __version__ string in __init__.py to distinguish intermediate Subversion releases from official releases. Add a "Version ?.?:" line to NEWS.txt to receive future change notes. Check the changes into Subversion.

This document was automatically generated Fri May 2 16:59:06 2008 by HappyDoc version 3.1