WW1 An intrepid traveler would traverse the Nil on a small craft, while a tourist would go on a cruise. I am an aficionado of Proust’s masterpiece, “In Search of Lost Time”. In a cosmopolitan society, people tend to cluster by cultural regions. I knew a person so gauche that he systematically jostled his girlfriend to go through the door before her, like a perfect negative of a gentleman. A person might show disdain by laughing at a solemn declaration. A novice at driving might forget to give way to the vehicles on his right. In my candid opinion, “Hershey’s Chocolate” is not chocolate. Only a gullible person would believe that “non-fat” ice cream is non-fattening. One custom alien to me is to classify people by race. I hope one day to be affluent enough to prove to others that it is not worth it. Nada Amin February 25, 2002 21F.222 – WW1 namin@mit.edu WW2 In Third World countries, typically more people work in primary and secondary sectors. My career will thrive when my work will improve some people’s life. One thing I find ludicrous is the belief that prohibitive laws do more than sweep the issues under the carpet. One ominous trend in society is the apathy of citizens about issues that do not affect their buying power. A bureaucracy is a dirty soap. I would like to supplant required courses with electives. The media in the United States all whistle the same tune. I would favor a radical change in scientific publications. I am in accord with the President on cheering the Texas Rangers. I cannot apprehend how the Market functions. Nada Amin February 25, 2002 21F.222 – WW2 namin@mit.edu WW3 My plans for getting a good job would be thwarted if I toured Europe with my friends next summer instead of gaining experience as a code monkey. If I wanted to elicit memories from my mother, I would suggest we visit her childhood’s neighborhood. I would like to articulate my grievances about the tediousness and monotony of my mathematics problem sets: let the challenge be in the problems and solutions, not in their sum and multiplication. You could undermine an enemy by pretending to be his friend. A person who contemplates moving to another country should be prepared to confront general statements about people who contemplate moving to other countries. Sam flaunted his expensive new watch by pretending to have lost it, so that he can advertise the fact in all corridors, elevators and toilets of the office. I am skeptical that moral progress is more than an oxymoron. I would feel chagrin if I had to revise this sentence. It is an enigma to me how smart individuals aggregate into silly herds. Is it appalling that life is a “but” sitting on a comma. Nada Amin March 07, 2002 21F.222 – WW3 namin@mit.edu WW4 The mammoth dog looked like a baby hippopotamus. I might mitigate a friend’s sadness by singing in the rain. I would try to use a euphemism when describing my enthusiasm for completing “World of Words” sentences. The chivalrous knight refused to fight with his starving opponent and invited him to a copious dinner, before killing him in a duel. A cultivated person probably enjoys music more than wine but their combination most of all. I would like to augment the part of creativity in children’s music lessons. I procrastinate when I have to write an essay, so that I don’t spend countless hours cogitating, but rather let my spontaneity speak under pressure. It is mandatory to take humanities classes at MIT, while it is almost impossible at the Swiss Institutes of Technology (EPFZ/EPFL). When I reach the pinnacle of success, I will banish shovels, since to be at the top one has to dig about. The crowd showed its adulation by camping three days in advance for a one-minute apparition of the sectarian guru. Nada Amin March 07, 2002 21F.222 – WW4 namin@mit.edu WW5 I would like to subdue the grunginess of my mathematics problem sets. In her autobiography, the famous star only mentioned the glamour side of her life. I hope I never have to reconcile myself to eat at MIT’s dining facilities. A person would be considered eccentric if it loved the feeling of sleep depravation. I invariably have difficulty being punctual, because I don’t mind when others aren’t. An antidote to envy is envy – of the Envied for the Ill of envy. A truly autonomous person is dead or is not – dependency is a necessity of life. The world needs an ingenious solution to the problem of human existence. Winter seems interminable when it freezes in the air of March. The exorbitant price of the car is the reason why the rich Sheikh bought it without haggling: the bargain was too easy to be pleasurable. Nada Amin March 21, 2002 21F.222 – WW5 namin@mit.edu WW6 The maverick man greeted people by almost strangling them. A gargantuan workload might include “No sleep for 3 days” as an implicit assignment. It is vital that we sleep, but not obvious. A vivacious teenager needs a lot of sleep. Your plan is not viable because nobody likes to complete already started sentences. When Betty saw the spartan living conditions, she deserted the Army. Pandemonium broke out when the citizens realized the government was part of the terror it was pretending to eradicate. The nominal ruler believes he is more than a seller for tabloids. A pseudonym I would like to use is “Wa Tisiornem”. We boycotted the store because of its insidious order, whose purpose is to incite purchases but whose effect is to give headaches. Nada Amin March 21, 2002 21F.222 – WW6 namin@mit.edu WW7 One theory that is no longer tenable is that humans are more intelligent than ants. One difficulty I would like to transcend is my inability to pinpoint irony. You must be tenacious in order to become President of your country. If I underwent a transformation, I would be sad to become a stranger to myself. People should abstain from imposing their silly views on people with other silly views: all views are equal(ly silly). I inadvertently went to class with my pajama, but nobody noticed. The most perverse thing someone could do is murdering a fly. People often try to circumvent lines for ticket sales by reserving online beforehand. A change I would like to see in the status quo is the end of the democratic myth. The college student felt dejected because he had no friends. Nada Amin March 21, 2002 21F.222 – WW7 namin@mit.edu WW8 An example of a cliché is “spring of life” (for “youth”). A communal dormitory might be fun option, despite the Spartan conditions. Because of her charismatic personality, people gobbled all her lies. A syndrome of repression is depression. My favorite cuisine is my mother’s. After I dispersed the money, I felt good and poor. At the nadir of his career, the athlete envisaged resorting to doping drugs. Because the plot of the movie was not coherent, I couldn’t take it seriously. You would call a person gregarious if it follows his friends’ advices more than his own intuition. Because of their continuing discord, the child was thorn between his father and his mother. Nada Amin March 07, 2002 21F.222 – WW8 namin@mit.edu