Algorithms and Complexity Seminar
Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 4-5:15pm in 32-G575.
Polylogarithmic independence can fool DNF formulas
Louay Bazzi (American University of Beirut)
We show that any $k$-wise independent probability measure on $\{0,1\}^n$ can
$O(m^{2.2}2^{-\sqrt{k}/10})$-fool any boolean function computable by an $m$-clauses
DNF (or CNF) formula on $n$ variables. Thus, for each constant $e>0$, there is a
constant $c>0$ such that any boolean function computable by an $m$-clauses
DNF (or CNF) formula can be $m^{-e}$-fooled by any $c\log^{2}{m}$-wise probability
measure. This resolves, asymptotically and up to a $\log{m}$ factor, the
depth-$2$ circuits case of a conjecture due to Linial and Nisan (1990). The result
is equivalent to a new characterization of DNF (or CNF) formulas by low degree
polynomials. It implies a similar statement for probability measures with the small
bias property. Using known explicit constructions of small probability spaces having
the limited independence property or the small bias property, we directly obtain
a large class of explicit PRG's of $O(\log^2{m}\log{n})$-seed length for $m$-clauses
DNF (or CNF) formulas on $n$ variables, improving previously known seed lengths.
Host: Madhu Sudan
(The Algorithms
and Complexity Seminar series talks are usually held Thursdays from
4-5:15pm in 32-G575.)