Picture of Nickolai Zeldovich

Email: nickolai at csail mit edu

32 Vassar Street, Room 32-G994
Cambridge, MA  02139
(617) 253-6005


Nickolai Zeldovich is the Joan and Irwin M. (1957) Jacobs Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, and a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He received his PhD from Stanford University in 2008. His research interests are in building practical secure systems. Recent projects by Prof. Zeldovich and his students and colleagues include the CryptDB encrypted database, the STACK tool for finding undefined behavior bugs in C programs, the FSCQ formally verified file system, the Algorand cryptocurrency, and the Vuvuzela private messaging system. He has been involved with several start-up companies, including MokaFive (desktop virtualization), PreVeil (end-to-end encryption), and Algorand (cryptocurrency). Prof. Zeldovich's work has been recognized by best paper awards at the ACM SOSP conference, a Sloan fellowship (2010), an NSF CAREER award (2011), the MIT EECS Spira teaching award (2013), the MIT Edgerton faculty achievement award (2014), the ACM SIGOPS Mark Weiser award (2017), an MIT EECS Faculty Research Innovation Fellowship (2018), and an MIT EECS Jamieson award for excellence in teaching (2024).


Spring 2026: 6.5660: Computer Systems Security
Fall 2025: 6.1810: Operating System Engineering
Spring 2025: Sabbatical Leave
Fall 2024: Sabbatical Leave
Spring 2024: 6.5660: Computer Systems Security
Fall 2023: 6.1600: Foundations of Computer Security
Spring 2023: 6.5660: Computer Systems Security
Fall 2022: 6.1600: Foundations of Computer Security
Spring 2022: 6.858: Computer Systems Security
Fall 2021: 6.S060: Foundations of Computer Security
Spring 2021: Faculty Teaching Relief
IAP 2021: 6.148 (web.lab): Web programming competition (faculty sponsor)
Fall 2020: 6.826: Principles of Computer Systems
Spring 2020: 6.858: Computer Systems Security
IAP 2020: 6.148 (web.lab): Web programming competition (faculty sponsor)
Fall 2019: 6.826: Principles of Computer Systems
Spring 2019: Professional Leave
Fall 2018: Professional Leave
Spring 2018: 6.858: Computer Systems Security
IAP 2018: 6.148: Web programming competition (faculty sponsor)
Fall 2017: 6.826: Principles of Computer Systems
Spring 2017: 6.858: Computer Systems Security
IAP 2017: 6.148: Web programming competition (faculty sponsor)
Fall 2016: Sabbatical Leave
Spring 2016: Faculty Teaching Relief
IAP 2016: 6.148: Web programming competition (faculty sponsor)
Fall 2015: Sabbatical Leave
Spring 2015: 6.888: Certified Systems Software
IAP 2015: 6.148: Web programming competition (faculty sponsor)
Fall 2014: 6.858: Computer Systems Security
Spring 2014: 6.824: Distributed Systems
IAP 2014: 6.470: Web programming competition (faculty sponsor)
Fall 2013: 6.858: Computer Systems Security
Spring 2013: Junior Faculty Research Leave
IAP 2013: 6.470: Web programming competition (faculty sponsor)
Fall 2012: 6.858: Computer Systems Security
Spring 2012: 6.033: Computer Systems Engineering
IAP 2012: 6.470: Web programming competition (faculty sponsor)
Fall 2011: 6.858: Computer Systems Security
Spring 2011: 6.033: Computer Systems Engineering
IAP 2011: 6.470: Web programming competition (faculty sponsor)
Fall 2010: 6.858: Computer Systems Security
Spring 2010: 6.857: Computer and Network Security
IAP 2010: Introduction to multicore research with Beehive
Fall 2009: 6.893: Computer Systems Security
Spring 2009: 6.033: Computer Systems Engineering
Fall 2008: 6.828: Operating System Engineering



Support and legal notices

My research has been supported by Amazon AWS, Google, Quanta Computer, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, NSF, DARPA, and Northrop Grumman.

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