I worked with Giorgio while he was visiting at MIT. We implemented a simple form of affordance exploration/exploitation on the humanoid robot Cog. Or in other words we got a robot to poke things -- he had his reasons and I had mine and it all worked out. Giorgio is a super cool guy, and it was a privilege to work with him. Giorgio and I (along with Eduardo and Lijin) were part of the super-secret (d'oh!) TEA CONSPIRACY to overthrow the AI Lab from within. Success! (well, sort of)...
Artur was my office-mate while I was a grad student at MIT. He has the highest ability to concentrate of any person I know. After years of working in parallel we actually did some research together on recognizing noisy objects by relating periodic visual motion with periodic sounds. (more information)
This work started with a joke and ended up being a really fun project on using shoes as a vision platform (platform shoe). Charlie has lots of interesting ideas including turning himself into a robot. And let's not even talk about his alter ego, Clark.
When I started at the MIT AI lab as a grad student, I spent a year or two working on the infant-like robot Kismet with Cynthia Breazeal. It was a great start to working with robots. Cynthia eventually defected to the MIT media lab, where she continues to do cool stuff in robotics.
Eduardo is the ring-leader of the world famous yet completely secret TEA CONSPIRACY, which involves a lot of coffee drinking for some reason. Eduardo is the guy in the picture that everyone else is staring at in bemusement - this is trademark Eduardo. We are working together on building a really smart active vision system, tightly integrated with robot manipulation.