Section 12
Want more of a challenge? View in iconic form (experimental)

       # MATH demonstrate existence of memory
[hear] (define forty-something 42);

[hear] (= 42 (forty-something));

       # now introduce a function
[hear] (assign square (? x / * (x) (x)) /
         = 25 (square 5));

[hear] (assign square (? x / * (x) (x)) /
         = 0 (square 0));

[hear] (assign square (? x / * (x) (x)) /
         = 25 (square 5));

[hear] (assign square (? x / * (x) (x)) /
         = 9 (square 3));

       # show that functions can be remembered across statements
[hear] (define square / ? x / * (x) (x));

[hear] (= (square 5) 25);

[hear] (= (square 4) 16);

[hear] (= (square 9) 81);

[hear] (= (square 3) 9);

[hear] (define plusone / ? x / + (x) 1);

[hear] (= (plusone 4) 5);

[hear] (= (plusone 9) 10);

[hear] (= (plusone 4) 5);

[hear] (= (plusone 3) 4);