Peng Yu

Peng Yu,    Ph.D. Candidate
Harvard-MIT Division of
Health Sciences and Technology 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Medical Vision Group
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, 02139

FreeSurfer Group
Athinoula A. Martinos Center
for Biomedical Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown, MA, 02149

Email: pengyu [at] mit [dot] edu

Research    Publications    Teaching    CV    Misc 


I have participated in a variety of research projects on statistical analysis of brain structures and computer-aided diagnosis based on magnetic resonance images in the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital. I work with Bruce Fischl (thesis advisor), Polina Golland and Bruce Rosen. The goal of my thesis work is to develop an automated procedure for detecting and modeling morphological changes of neuroanatomical structures associated with neurodevelopment and various neurological diseases for accurate diagnosis and proper treatments. To this end, I have developed and applied techniques in different areas, including medical image analysis, computer vision, and statistical machine learning, to solve problems in medical image analysis applications. Please see details in my CV.


P. Yu, etc., The Shape-based Study of Cortical Surface Development in Newborns, in preparation.
P. Yu, etc., Statistical Shape Analysis of Cerebral Cortex Based on Spherical Wavelets, in preparation.
P. Yu, X. Han, F. Segonne, A. K. Liu, R. A. Poldrack, P. Golland, and B. Fischl, Shape-based Discrimination and Classification of Cortical surface. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2006, Hong Kong, P.R.China, Aug. 2006 (submitted).
P. Yu, X. Han, F. Segonne, R. L. Buckner, R. Pienaar, P. Golland, P. E. Grant and B. Fischl, Cortical Surface Shape Analysis Based on Spherical Wavelet Transformation. IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA 2006), New York City, NY, June 2006.
P. Yu, F. Segonne, X. Han, B. Fischl, Shape Analysis of Neuroanatomical Structures Based on Spherical Wavelets. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (HBM), June 2005, Toronto, Canada.
P. Yu, D.H. Salat, P. Golland, D. S. Tuch, H. D. Rosas, B. Fischl, Subdividing the Corpus Callosum Based on Morphometry and Diffusion Anisotropy. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Miami, Florida, May 2005.


Applied Nuclear Physics: Assisted in preparing course materials and grading homework; organized weekly recitations, reviews, and office hours.
Nuclear Engineering Laboratory: Instructed labs and graded lab reports.


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