Discriminatively Trained Deformable Part Models

To use Opencv latentSVM detect with the model trained by the matlab code "voc-release" from http://www.cs.brown.edu/~pff/latent/

You have to use the following program to convert the format from *.mat to *.xml

Download it to the "voc-release" directory and run.

For voc-release3.1 : MAT2XMLmodel_310.m

For voc-release4.01 : MAT2XMLmodel_401.m


Using the cat model in voc-release3.1 VOC2007 to detect cat. This is the source of cat.xml example in opencv. Output model: cat_final_310.xml

Using the cat model in voc-release4.01 VOC2009 to detect cat. Output model: cat_final_401.xml

The result is slightly better than the version 3.1.


By Kuan-Ting Yu (r99922070  _at_   ntu _ edu _ tw) - CSIE, National Taiwan University