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145: Mainline

When you define a class, you tell C++ about the variables that describe the objects that belong to that class. Note that you also can define functions that work with those objects. You might, for example, define a volume function that knows how to find values for any box-car object's height, width, and length variables, and that knows how to use those values to compute the box-car object's volume.

Thus, in the following diagram, the box_car class description contains descriptions of variables and class-specific functions, whereas the descriptions of particular box_car objects contain variables values.

| Description of variables;                     |  <-- Description of 
|   for example, height, width, and length      |      the box_car 
| Description of class-specific functions;      |      class 
|   for example, volume                         | 
     ^               ^               ^          
     | Instance of   | Instance of   | Instance of     
     |               |               |          
*-------------*  *-------------*  *-------------*   
| height 10.5 |  | height 10.5 |  | height 10.5 |  <-- Descriptions of   
| width   9.5 |  | width   9.5 |  | width   9.5 |      particular 
| length 40.0 |  | length 40.0 |  | length 50.0 |      box_car objects 
*-------------*  *-------------*  *-------------*