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17: Mainline

As usual, you generally go around two key loops many times as you search for bugs:

| Write or edit source code | <--*  <---------------------* 
*---------------------------*    |                        | 
  |                              | Fix bugs that          | 
  v                              | emerge during          | 
*---------------------------*    | compilation            | 
| Compile source code       | ---*                        | 
*---------------------------*                             | 
  |                                                       | 
  v                                                       | 
*---------------------------*                             | 
| Link object code          |                             | 
*---------------------------*                             | 
  |                                    Fix bugs that      | 
  v                                    emerge during      | 
*---------------------------*          execution          | 
| Run program               | ----------------------------* 