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227: Mainline

Usually, it is a good idea to draw a class-hierarchy diagram, such as the following, to see how your classes fit together. All arrows represent subclass-to-superclass relations:

         | container             | 
         |  percent_loaded       | 
                   ^   ^ 
                   |   | 
          *--------*   *--------* 
          |                     | 
*-------------------* *-------------------*     *--------------------* 
| box               | | cylinder          |     | railroad_car       | 
|  volume function  | |  volume function  |     |  age function      | 
|  height           | |  radius           |     |  year_built        | 
|  width            | |  length           |     |                    | 
|  length           | |                   |     |                    | 
*-------------------* *-------------------*     *--------------------* 
          ^                     ^                     ^  ^     ^   ^ 
          |                     |                     |  |     |   | 
          |  *----------------------------------------*  |     |   | 
          |  |                  |  *---------------------*     |   | 
          |  |                  |  |                *----------*   | 
          |  |                  |  |                |              | 
       *----------*         *----------*   *----------*   *----------* 
       | box_car  |         | tank_car |   | engine   |   | caboose  | 
       *----------*         *----------*   *----------*   *----------* 

Such a class-hierarchy diagram helps you to see how to distribute member variables and member functions among the classes in the hierarchy. Such a class-hierarchy diagram can also expose semantic risks of the sort described in Segment 224.