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26: Mainline

Note that C++ is blank insensitive; C++ treats all sequences of spaces, tabs, and carriage returns—other than those in character strings—as though there were just a single space. Thus, the following are equivalent:


main ( ) { 
  cout << "The volume of the box car is "; 
  cout << 11 * 9 * 40; 
  cout << endl; 


main ( ) 
  cout << "The volume of the box car is "; 
  cout << 11 * 9 * 40; 
  cout << endl; 

main ( ) { 
     cout << "The volume of the box car is "; 
     cout << 11 * 9 * 40; 
     cout << endl; 

main ( ){cout << "The volume of the box car is "; 
         cout << 11 * 9 * 40; 
         cout << endl;} 

None of these layout options can be said to be “best” or “official.” In fact, some experienced C++ programmers argue heatedly about how to arrange functions so as to maximize transparency and to please the eye. In this book, the functions are written in a style that both uses paper efficiently and lies within the envelope of common practice.