262: Highlights
- Programs should obey the explicit-representation principle,
with classes included to reflect natural categories.
- Programs should obey the no-duplication principle, with
member functions situated among class definitions to facilitate
- Programs should obey the local-view principle, with program
elements placed to make it easy to see how the elements interact.
- Programs should obey the look-it-up principle, with class
definitions including member variables for stable, frequently requested
- Programs should obey the need-to-know principle, with public
interfaces designed to restrict member-variable and member-function
access, thus facilitating the improvement and maintenance of
nonpublic program elements.
- Programs should obey the keep-it-simple principle, with class
and function definitions broken up when these definitions become too
complex to understand.
- Programs should obey the modularity principle, with program
elements divided into logically coherent modules.