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508: Mainline

Next, to ensure access to those display_capacity functions, you need to install a virtual version of display_capacity in the railroad_car class:

class railroad_car { 
  public: railroad_car ( ) { } 
          virtual void display_short_name ( ) { } 
          virtual void display_capacity ( ) { } 

Although this version of the display_capacity does no displaying, you accomplish two objectives by defining it. First, because this version is marked virtual, C++ knows that railroad_car pointers may be directed at run time to class objects that require versions of display_capacity found in railroad_car subclasses.

Second, assuming that there are no definitions for display_capacity in the engine and caboose classes, inheritance ensures that the version found in the railroad_car class is the version used when engines or cabooses are encountered. Thus, the do-nothing version of display_capacity found in the railroad_car class acts as a safety net for class objects that otherwise would not have a display_capacity member function.

                                             | railroad_car   | 
                                               ^  ^     ^   ^ 
      *----------------------------------------*  |     |   | 
      |                    *----------------------*     |   | 
      |                    |             *--------------*   | 
      |                    |             |                  | 
*----------*         *----------*   *----------*         *----------* 
| box_car  |         | tank_car |   | engine   |         | caboose  | 
*----------*         *----------*   *----------*         *----------* 
---------------------------------   --------------------------------- 
These classes define their own      These classes inherit the version 
versions of the display_capacity    of the display_capacity function 
function                            defined in railroad_car