Now that you have overloaded the output operator,
enabling it to handle railroad_car
objects, you can use
dereferenced railroad-car pointers as output-operator operands,
as in the following version of the
#includeconst double pi = 3.14159; // Class definitions go here // Define railroad-car pointer array: railroad_car *train[100]; // Declare enumeration constants, needed in switch statement: enum {eng_code, box_code, tnk_code, cab_code}; // Overload <<: ostream& operator<< (ostream& output_stream, railroad_car& r) { output_stream << "[" << r.short_name ( ) << "]"; return output_stream;} main ( ) { // Declare various integer variables: int n, car_count, type_code; // Read car-type number and create car class objects: for (car_count = 0; cin >> type_code; ++car_count) switch (type_code) { case eng_code: train[car_count] = new engine; break; case box_code: train[car_count] = new box_car; break; case tnk_code: train[car_count] = new tank_car; break; case cab_code: train[car_count] = new caboose; break; } // Display icons: cout << *train[0]; for (n = 1; n < car_count; ++n) { cout << "-" << *train[n]; } cout << endl; } --- Data --- 0 1 1 2 3 --- Result --- [eng]-[box]-[box]-[tnk]-[cab]
Thus, the overloaded output operator always displays the appropriate three-letter short name, surrounded by brackets. It also returns the same output stream that appeared as the left-side operand.