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596: Mainline


The input operator, >>, recognizes operands, such as input_buffer, that are pointers to character arrays. On seeing such a pointer, >> reads a string from the input stream up to the first whitespace character—space, tab, or carriage return. Then, the input operator deposits that string into the array identified by the pointer.

••• Unprocessable paragraph: Suppose, for example, that the expression \code{cin >> input_buffer} is evaluated, given an input file in which the next unread characters are \code{TPW-E-783}. The evaluation causes the \code{input_buffer} array to look like this: \begincode input_buffer *——–*——–* |00000011|10011000| *——–*——–* —————– | *——-* | T P W - E <—– Characters | | | | | | v v v v v v ——– ——– ——– ——– ——– —-*——–*——–*——–*——–*——–*—– |01010100|01010000|01010111|00101101|01000101| —*——–*——–*——–*——–*——–*——– 920 921 922 923 924 925 - 7 8 3 Null <—– Characters | | | | | v v v v v ——– ——– ——– ——– ——– —-*——–*——–*——–*——–*——–*—– |00101101|00110111|00111000|00110011|00000000| —*——–*——–*——–*——–*——–*——– 925 926 927 928 929 930 \endcode \par C:\Phw\Onto\CPP\buffer.tex ••• C:\Phw\Onto\CPP\buffer.tex •••