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98: Mainline

In the following example, the definition of the box_car_volume function appears in a complete program:

// Define box_car_volume first:             
int box_car_volume (int h, int w, int l) {  
  return h * w * l;                         
// Then, define main: 
main ( ) { 
  int height = 11, width = 9, length = 40, stretch = 10; 
  cout << "The volume of the standard box car is " 
       << box_car_volume (height, width, length) 
       << endl 
       << "The volume of a stretched box car is " 
       << box_car_volume (height, width, length + stretch) 
       << endl; 
--- Result --- 
The volume of the standard box car is 3960 
The volume of a stretched box car is 4950