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1043: Mainline

To create the form shown in Segment 1042, you can write HTML code. Alternatively, you can have a servlet—such as the servlet defined in Segment 1041—write HTML code for you. That HTML code will feature the <form> tag. Working in tandem with the <form> tag, you find <select>, <option>, and <input> tags. All are explained in Segment 1044.

The HTML code includes <table>, <tr>, and <td> tags because they produce a pleasing layout. The <tr> tag signals the start of a table row; the <td> tag signals the start of a table datum.

<form method=get 
<table><tr><td>Title: <td> 
<select name=title size=1> 
<option>Apocalypse Now 
<option>The Sting 
<option>The Wizard of Oz 
<option>Bedtime for Bonzo 
<option>The Last House on the Left 
<option>Gone with the Wind 
<option>The King of Hearts 
<option>My Fair Lady 
<option>The Sound of Music 
0 <input type=radio name=script value=0> 
<input type=radio name=script value=1> 
<input type=radio name=script value=2> 
<input type=radio name=script value=3> 
<input type=radio name=script value=4> 
<input type=radio name=script value=5> 
<input type=radio name=script value=6> 
<input type=radio name=script value=7> 
<input type=radio name=script value=8> 
<input type=radio name=script value=9> 
<input type=radio name=script value=10> 10 
// Repeat for acting and direction 
<input type=submit value="Vote"> <input type=reset value="Reset"> 