Java also allows you to define multiple methods with the same name in the same class, as long as each version has a different arrangement of parameter data types. Each arrangement of return and parameter data types is called a method signature.
You can, for example, define one displayMovieRating
method that
handles integers, and another displayMovieRating
method that
handles floating-point numbers. Then, you can put both methods to work in
the same program:
public class Demonstrate { public static void main (String argv[]) { int intScript = 6, intActing = 9, intDirection = 8; double doubleScript = 6.0, doubleActing = 9.0, doubleDirection = 8.0; displayMovieRating(intScript, intActing, intDirection); displayMovieRating(doubleScript, doubleActing, doubleDirection); } // First, define displayMovieRating with integers: public static void displayMovieRating (int s, int a, int d) { System.out.print("The integer rating of the movie is "); System.out.println(s + a + d); return; } // Next, define displayMovieRating with floating-point numbers: public static void displayMovieRating (double s, double a, double d) { System.out.print("The floating-point rating of the movie is "); System.out.println(s + a + d); return; } } --- Result --- The integer rating of the movie is 23 The floating-point rating of the movie is 23.0