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313: Mainline

Similarly, you can use super, introduced in Segment 300, as a method target, if you want Java to ignore the method defined in the target's class, using instead a method defined in a superclass of the target.

For example, you can divide into two parts the work previously handled by the describe method defined in the Movie class. One part of the work is handled by a newly defined describe method in the Attraction class:

public class Attraction {
 private int minutes;
 public int getMinutes() {return minutes;}
 public void setMinutes(int m) {minutes = m;}
 public Attraction () {minutes = 75;}
 public Attraction (int m) {minutes = m;}
 // Define describe
 public void describe () {              
   " and lasts "                        
   + this.getMinutes() + " minutes"     

And the other part of the work is handled by a redefined describe method in the Movie class:

public class Movie extends Attraction {
 // Rest of Movie definition
 // Define rating:
 public int rating () {
  return script + acting + direction;
 // Define describe
 public void describe () {                                
  System.out.print("Movie with rating " + this.rating()); 