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769: Mainline

Now, you add a movie instance variable to the definition of the application class, thus installing a model. The definition includes a wired-in Movie instance based on On To Java!, the forthcoming movie version of this book.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MovieApplication extends JFrame {
 public static void main (String argv []) {
  new MovieApplication("Movie Application");
 // Declare instance variables:
 private Meter meter;
 private Movie movie;                                   
 // Define constructor
 public MovieApplication(String title) {
  // Construct view instances:
  meter = new Meter(0, 30);
  // Construct model instances:
  movie = new Movie (5, 5, 5, "On to Java");            
  // Connect views visually 
  getContentPane().add("Center", meter);  
  // Connect window listener, size and show 
  addWindowListener(new LocalWindowListener()); 
  setSize(300, 100); 
 // Define window adapter 
 private class LocalWindowListener extends WindowAdapter { 
  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { 
   System.exit(0); return; 