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809: Mainline

Many HTML tags are one-half of a pair that surrounds a block of text. The second tag is like the first, except that it carries a forward slash just inside the first angle bracket. For example, the <title></title> pair surrounds that portion of the file intended to serve as the file's title. Similarly, the <head></head> pair surrounds the title and other, optional, marked material, such as indexing words. The <body></body> pair surrounds the file's body; and the <html></html> pair surrounds the entire contents.

Thus, the following is a simple HTML file that contains nothing but a title, two horizontal rules, and a few lines of text:

<title>Welcome to a simple HTML file</title> 
This text can be viewed by a web browser.<p> 
It consists of only text, arranged in two  
paragraphs, between horizontal rules. 