On the view side, a choice list is an
instance of the JList
class, or a subclass of that class. Such
instances produce graphical displays of choices on which you can click to
make a selection.
There is no need to modify the behavior of the basic JList
the built-in methods suffice. Accordingly, you do not need to define a subclass;
you can install a JList
directly into the evolving applet.
import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; public class MovieApplication extends JApplet { // Declare instance variables: private Meter meter; private JList jList; private Movie movie; private MovieData movieData; // Define constructor public MovieApplication() { // Create models getMovie(); getMovieData(); // Create and connect views to application getContentPane().add("Center", getMeter()); getContentPane().add("East", getJList()); } // Define getters and setters public Meter getMeter () { if (meter == null) {setMeter(new Meter(0, 30));} return meter; } public JList getJList () { if (jList == null) {setJList(new JList());} return jList; } public Movie getMovie () { if(movie == null) {setMovie(new Movie (10, 10, 10, "On to Java"));} return movie; } public MovieData getMovieData () { if(movieData == null) {setMovieData(new MovieData ());} return movieData; } public void setMeter (Meter m) { meter = m; meter.addMouseListener(new MeterListener(this)); } public void setMovie (Movie m) { if(movie == m) {return;} if(movie instanceof Movie) {movie.deleteObservers();} if(m instanceof Movie) { movie = m; movie.addObserver(new MovieObserver(this)); movie.changed(); }} public void setMovieData (MovieData m) { movieData = m; } public void setJList (JList j) { jList = j; } }