Athenians Winter 1966


Three years ago we, the Winter Class of 1966, entered Fairfax as flustered and confused B-10's. Today, we prepare to walk through our Alma Mater's noble, though condemned, portals for the last time. Now, a little less flustered, a little less confused, and knowing that we have been exposed to the best education our fair city has to offer, we look back on our six semesters at Fairfax with fond memories,

In our B-10 semester the leadership of our class was put in the capable hands of Quentin Gerlach, our first class president. Quentin was responsible for our first class activity, a successful picnic in Goodwin Gardens.

Jeff Marmelzat became our A-10 class president after a long and arduous campaign. Jeff was the first member of the class to serve on Colonial Council. In this capacity, he helped organize elections for the incoming B-10 class.

The dearth of feminine leadership, which had made itself evident in our freshman year, again manifested itself in the B-1il as for the third time a male, Steve Shutman, was elected doss president. Steve and his cabinet planned our class's first out-of-school activity, the “Pray for Snow” snow trip. Unfortunately, the sparse snowfall that winter caused the cancellation of the trip. However, the ticket sales reflected a growing class spirit which has remained with us throughout our stay at Fairfax .

The woman's touch finally found its way into class leadership as Ruth Kline was elected A-1il class president. Using the valuable experience gained from the failure of the previous year's Junior Prom, Ruth worked to consolidate the efforts of the A-11 and B-11 classes in the planning and labor which went into our very successful “Polynesian Paradise” held in Greenway Court. Ruth's able leadership also led us to the selection of our class name and colors. After fierce competition, we emerged “The Athenians,” and royal blue and white were chosen as our class colors. The emblem featured a toga'd Athenian standing before a Grecian structure,

The burden of success in the senior year fell upon the athletic shoulders of trackman Mike Blumenfeld, who was elected B-12 class president. Mike had the assistance of his cabinet consisting of Susann Rose, vice-president; Jane Heinman, secretary; Caroll Muller, Treasurer; and Marcy Shakman, Historian, They immediately planned and carried out the successful sale of Athenian Dues Cards which cost $1.50 and were good for the entire year. Our senior year began with the cancellation of our second attempt at a snow trip, which had originally been planned as a joint A-1l, B-1l activity during Ruth Kline's administration. However, spirit picked up with the arrival of our class sweaters, and the Athenian blues and whites went on display. Our first activity of the year was the Senior BEE Breakfast, “Athenian Apotheosis,” which was oversold, but fortunately everyone was accommodated. Talented Athenians provided both music and comedy for the entertainment of administrators and fellow class members. Also during our B-12 semester plans were initiated for our “Grad Night” prom-dinner-dance. Hotels were contacted and approved, and although the final decision was not made, the work done by Mike and his cabinet greatly facilitated the procedure.

In a special election conducted by the B-12 officers, Tom Klitzner was chosen to lead the class through its final semester. Vice-president Irene Biderman, Secretary Annette Leve, Treasurer Judy Dick, and Historian Myra Coodley mode up the cabinet that helped Tom plan activities for the A-12 semester. The planning of the highly successful “Lion's Leap” sports night, sponsored by the Athenian class, was the first task to face the newly elected officers. After this it was necessary to re-sell Athenian Dues Cards, due to the demands of those accelerating into the class, and those who had not purchased them at the first selling. The next activity was the “Athenian Grasshopper” picnic and color day held on the front lawn.

The picnic was shortly followed by the well attended Senior A Go Go breakfast. All enjoyed the food and entertainment, and the newly selected Athenian cheerleaders were received with enthusiasm. Athenian class buttons, favors of the breakfast, were worn with pride for the remainder of the semester. The breakfast was followed by a Senior AYE camera-color day, including another picnic on the front lawn. We left for Winter Vacation with a celebration in the form of a joint A-12, B-12 dance held in the girls' gym. During this time our class council had been planning two more activities, a trip to Disneyland, and one last attempt at a snow trip. Activities after Winter Vacation included another picnic, and an after-school mixed volleyball tournament. Finally, this very successful semester was concluded with graduation and our gala Senior Prom, held at the Sheraton West Hotel on Saturday, January 29th. This prom was a grand finale to our three memorable years at Fairfax.

We would like to thank our principals, Mr. Oelrich and Mr. Tunney, and all of the other administrators, teachers, and counselors who helped guide us during our stay at Fairfax. We give a very special thanks to our two class sponsors, Mr. Spiegel and Dr. Hummel, without whom none of our wonderful activities would have been possible.

Our stay at Fairfax has meant more to some of us than it has to others, and some of us have appreciated it more than others, but we shall all remember Fairfax, and can only hope that Fairfax will always remember us.