Visit to Mayo Clinic
by members of the National Academy of Science's committee on
Maintaining Privacy and Security in Health Care Applications of the
National Information Infrastructure, April 1996.
The National Academy of Sciences convened a committee to study the
theme "Maintaining Privacy and Security in Health Care Applications
the National Information Infrastructure." As part of our efforts to
ascertain current practice and shared concerns of people who worry
about health records, a subset of our committee visited the Mayo Clinic in April 1996. In
addition to fruitful discussions, we were treated to an interesting
tour of Mayo's facilities. This included traipsing across the
roofs in Rochester, Minnesota, visiting the Carillon in the tower,
and seeing some of Mayo's immaculately maintained old technology:
1920's elevator controllers, gravity-drop records delivery systems,
pneumatic tube crossbar switches, etc.
These photographs, by Peter Szolovits, illustrate a few of our
exciting locales. Larger versions may be seen by clicking on the
Alas, I didn't get pictures of the Peregrine Falcons, the first
edition of Origin of Species with Darwin's hand-written
the medical texts in Latin from the dawn of the age of printing,
any of the old but highly effective machinery that drops, lifts,
shuffles and sucks records around the Rochester campus.
Here are the relays that run
the Otis elevators in the 1928 Plummer
Building, kept in their original state.
These relays are even a few years
older, from the freight elevators.
Photographs and HTML by
Szolovits, 1996.
If you have comments, please email
them to me.