----------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers ----------------------------------------------------------------- E M B E D D E D S Y S T E M S W E E K Tampere, Finland, October 7-12, 2012 www.esweek.org ================================================================= ++ CASES +++ CODES+ISSS +++ EMSOFT +++ Workshops +++ Tutorials ++ ================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------- News: ESWeek 2012 will be co-located with SoC 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- About ESWeek ----------------------------------------------------------------- ESWeek is a premier event covering all aspects of embedded systems and software. It brings together conferences, tutorials, and workshops centered on various aspects of embedded systems research and development. Three leading conferences in the area - CASES, CODES+ISSS, and EMSOFT - will take place at the same time and location, allowing attendees to benefit from a wide range of topics covered by these conferences and their associated tutorials and workshops. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dates ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Abstract submission: March 28, 2012 - Full paper submission: April 04, 2012 - Acceptance notification: July 03, 2012 - Camera ready version: July 31, 2012 - Conference: October 7-12, 2012 For paper submission instructions see: www.esweek.org ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organization ----------------------------------------------------------------- ESWeek General Chairs: Ahmed Jerraya, CEA, France Luca Carloni, Columbia University, USA ESWeek Local Arrangement Chairs: Jari Nurmi, Tampere University of Technology, Finland CASES TPC Chairs: Vincent Mooney, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Rodric Rabbah, IBM, USA CODES+ISSS TPC Chairs: Franco Fummi, University of Verona, Italy Naehyuck Chang, ELPL, Seoul National University, Korea EMSOFT TPC Chairs: Florence Maraninchi, Verimag, Grenoble INP, France John Regehr, School of Computing, University of Utah, USA -----------------------------------------------------------------