CASES is a forum where researchers, developers and practitioners
exchange information on emerging technologies and the latest advances
in compilers and architectures for high performance embedded systems
design and synthesis. CASES uniquely aims to promote synergies across
otherwise vertically integrated communities in embedded systems.
CASES seeks original research papers that focus on increasing the
efficiency and capabilities of embedded systems via creative approaches
that combine compiler, architecture, and synthesis technologies. Such
solutions must address the challenges of bringing embedded systems to
the market place, including but not limited to new capabilities, faster time-to-market, lower
costs, improvements in power consumption, and improvements in real-time behavior.
CASES 2012 is part of Embedded Systems Week,
and will be held October 7-12 in Tampere, Finland.
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Important Dates
Abstract Submission March 28, 2012
Full Paper Submission April 04, 2012
Notification of Acceptance July 03, 2012
Camera-ready version July 31, 2012
Conference October 7-12, 2012
Previous Conferences