Presentations of Martin Rinard
From Runtime Verification to Runtime Intervention and Adaptation
Martin C. Rinard
Runtime Verification 2012 (RV '12)
Istanbul, Turkey September 2012
What To Do When Things Go Wrong:Recovery in Complex (Computer) Systems
Martin C. Rinard
11th Annual International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2012)
Potsdam, Germany March 2012
Abstract Interpretation and Future Program Analysis Problems
Martin Rinard and Alexandru Salcianu
Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics
New Orleans, Louisiana March 2002
Role Analysis
Viktor Kuncak, Patrick Lam, and Martin C. Rinard
Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages
Portland, Oregon January 2002
Paper available here
Symbolic Bounds Analysis for Multithreaded Programs
Radu Rugina and Martin Rinard
Rice University
October 2001
A Parameterized Type System for Race-Free Java Programs
Chandrasekar Boyapati and Martin C. Rinard
16th Annual ACM Symposium on Object-Oriented Programming
Systems, Languages, and Applications
Tampa Bay, Florida October 2001
Paper available here
An Implementation of Scoped Memory for Real-Time Java
William S. Beebee and Martin C. Rinard
Embedded Software, First International Workshop,
Tahoe City, California October 2001
Paper available here
Analysis of Multithreaded Programs
Martin C. Rinard
8th Static Analysis Symposium
Paris, France July 2001
Paper available here
Incrementalized Pointer and Escape Analysis
Martin C. Rinard
Annual Meeting
Laboratory for Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
June 2001
Incrementalized Pointer and Escape Analysis
Frederic Vivien and Martin C. Rinard
ACM SIGPLAN 2001 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
Snowbird, Utah June 2001
The full version of this paper is available.
Paper available here
Pointer and Escape Analysis for Multithreaded Programs
Alexandru Salcianu and Martin C. Rinard
8th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
Snowbird, Utah June 2001
Paper available here
Program Analysis and Design Conformance
Martin C. Rinard
Stanford University
April 2001
Program Analysis Techniques for Memory Disambiguation
Radu Rugina and Martin C. Rinard
Brandeis University April 2001
Design-Driven Compilation
Radu Rugina and Martin C. Rinard
International Conference on Compiler Construction
Genova, Italy April 2001
The full version of this paper is available.
Paper available here
High-Level Specification and Efficient Implementation of Pipelined Circuits
Maria-Cristina Marinescu and Martin C. Rinard
Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference
Yokohama, Japan January 2001
Paper available here
Recursion Unrolling for Divide and Conquer Programs
Radu Rugina and Martin Rinard
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, Thirteenth International Workshop
Yorktown Heights, NY August 2000
Paper available here
Analyses and Optimizations
Martin C. Rinard, Alexandru Salcianu, Brian Demsky, John Whaley
Microsoft Research Laboratories
July 2000
Symbolic Bounds Analysis of Pointers, Array Indices, and Accessed Memory Regions
Radu Rugina and Martin C. Rinard
ACM SIGPLAN '00 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
Vancouver, Canada June 2000
The full version of this paper is available.
Paper available here
Compositional Pointer and Escape Analysis for Multithreaded Java Programs
Martin C. Rinard, Alexandru Salcianu, John Whaley
Programming Languages Day
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
April 2000
A Synthesis Algorithm for the Modular Design of Pipelined Circuits
Maria-Cristina Marinescu and Martin C. Rinard
VLSI 99 X IFIP International Conference on VLSI
Lisbon, Portugal December 1999
Paper available here
Compositional Pointer and Escape Analysis for Java Programs (updated version)
John Whaley and Martin Rinard
14th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications
Denver, CO November 1999
Paper available here
Credible Compilation with Pointers
Martin Rinard and Darko Marinov
FLoC Workshop on Run-Time Result Verification
Trento, Italy July 1999
Paper available here
Eliminating Synchronization Bottlenecks in Object-Based
Programs Using Adaptive Replication
Martin C. Rinard and Pedro C. Diniz
1999 ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, pp. 83-92
Rhodes, Greece June 1999
The full version of this paper is available.
Paper available here
Automatic Parallelization of Divide and Conquer Algorithms
Radu Rugina and Martin C. Rinard
Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and
Practice of Parallel Programming, pp. 72-83
Atlanta, GA May 1999
Paper available here
Pointer Analysis for Multithreaded Programs
Radu Rugina and Martin C. Rinard
ACM SIGPLAN '99 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pp. 77-90
Atlanta, GA May 1999
The full version of this paper is available.
Paper available here
Effective Fine-Grain Synchronization For Automatically Parallelized
Programs Using Optimistic Synchronization Primitives
Martin C. Rinard
Sixth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and
Practice of Parallel Programming, pp. 112-123
Las Vegas, Nevada June 1997
Paper available here
Compiler Support for Distributed Systems
Martin C. Rinard
California Institute of Technology June 1997
Commutativity Analysis: A New Analysis Framework for Parallelizing Compilers
Martin C. Rinard
Massachusetts Institute of Technology April 1997
Synchronization Transformations for Parallel Computing
Pedro C. Diniz and Martin C. Rinard
Twenty-Fourth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages, pp. 187-200
Paris, France January 1997
Paper available here
Lock Coarsening: Eliminating Lock Overhead in Automatically Parallelized Object-Based Programs
Pedro C. Diniz and Martin C. Rinard
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, Ninth International Workshop, pp. 284-299
San Jose, California August 1996
Paper available here
Commutativity Analysis:
A New Analysis Framework for Parallelizing Compilers
Martin C. Rinard
Pedro C. Diniz
ACM SIGPLAN '96 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pp. 54-67
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 1996
Paper available here
An Integrated Synchronization and Consistency
Protocol for the
Implementation of a High-Level Parallel Programming Language
Martin C. Rinard
10th International Parallel Processing Symposium, pp. 549-553
Honolulu, Hawaii, April 1996
Paper available here
Communication Optimizations for Parallel Computing
Using Data Access Information
Martin C. Rinard
Supercomputing '95
San Diego, California December 1995.
Paper available here