@InProceedings{BFPRT72, replaced-by = { BFPRT73 }, author = { Manuel Blum and Robert W. Floyd and Vaughan Pratt and Ronald L. Rivest and Robert E. Tarjan }, title = { Linear time bounds for median computations }, pages = { 119--124 }, acm = { 08028 }, doi = { 10.1145/800152.804904 }, acmid = { 804904 }, booktitle = { Proceedings of the fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing }, publisher = { ACM }, date = { 1972-05 }, OPTyear = { 1972 }, OPTmonth = { May 1--3, }, editor = { Patrick C. Fischer and H. Paul Zeiger and Jeffery D. Ullman and Arnold L. Rosenberg }, eventtitle = { STOC'72 }, eventdate = { 1972 }, venue = { Denver, Colorado }, abstract = { New upper and lower bounds are presented for the maximum number of comparisons, $ f(i,n) $, required to select the $i$-th largest of $n$ numbers. An upper bound is found, by an analysis of a new selection algorithm, to be a linear function of $n$: $f(i,n) \le 103n/18 \le 5.73 n$, for $1 \le i \le n$. A lower bound is shown deductively to be $f(i,n) \ge n + \min(i,n-i+1) + \ceil{\log_2(n)} - 4$, for $2\le i \le n-1$, or for the case of computing medians: $ f([n/2],n) \ge 3n/2 - 3 $ . }, }